A Distill Website


This is a distill website using RMarkdown and the postcards package to create the layout for the individual pages. Here postcards layout is only used for the index page, but you can use it for any page. See the postcards GitHub readme for the different layouts available.


  • Install the needed packages. You only need to do this once.
install.packages(c("rmarkdown", "distill", "postcards", "knitr")


  • index.Rmd will be the front page. You can change the layout by changing postcards::trestles
  • Edit _site.yml to change the top navbar
  • Add pages like Page1.Rmd and then add those to _site.yml
  • Add your images (like logos) to images and a favicon to favicon.ico

A Distill Website


This is a distill website using RMarkdown and the postcards package to create the layout for the individual pages. Here postcards layout is only used for the index page, but you can use it for any page. See the postcards GitHub readme for the different layouts available.


  • Install the needed packages. You only need to do this once.
install.packages(c("rmarkdown", "distill", "postcards", "knitr")


  • index.Rmd will be the front page. You can change the layout by changing postcards::trestles
  • Edit _site.yml to change the top navbar
  • Add pages like Page1.Rmd and then add those to _site.yml
  • Add your images (like logos) to images and a favicon to favicon.ico