Data discovery with earthaccess


In this example we will use the earthaccess library to search for data collections from NASA Earthdata. earthaccess is a Python library that simplifies data discovery and access to NASA Earth science data by providing an abstraction layer for NASA’s Common Metadata Repository (CMR) API Search API. The library makes searching for data more approachable by using a simpler notation instead of low level HTTP queries. earthaccess takes the trouble out of Earthdata Login authentication, makes search easier, and provides a stream-line way to download or stream search results into an xarray object.

For more on earthaccess visit the earthaccess GitHub page and/or the earthaccess documentation site. Be aware that earthaccess is under active development.


An Earthdata Login account is required to access data from NASA Earthdata. Please visit to register and manage your Earthdata Login account. This account is free to create and only takes a moment to set up.

Learning Objectives

  1. How to authenticate with earthaccess
  2. How to use earthaccess to search for data using spatial and temporal filters
  3. How to explore and work with search results

Get Started

Import Required Packages

import earthaccess 
from pprint import pprint
import xarray as xr
import geopandas as gpd
import os
os.environ["HOME"] = "/home/jovyan"
auth = earthaccess.login()
# are we authenticated?
if not auth.authenticated:
    # ask for credentials and persist them in a .netrc file
    auth.login(strategy="interactive", persist=True)
We are already authenticated with NASA EDL

Search for data

There are multiple keywords we can use to discovery data from collections. The table below contains the short_name, concept_id, and doi for some collections we are interested in for other exercises. Each of these can be used to search for data or information related to the collection we are interested in.

Shortname Collection Concept ID DOI
MOD10C1 C1646609808-NSIDC_ECS 10.5067/MODIS/MOD10C1.061
SPL4SMAU C2537927247-NSIDC_ECS 10.5067/LWJ6TF5SZRG3

But wait…You may be asking “how can we find the shortname, concept_id, and doi for collections not in the table above?”. Let’s take a quick detour.

Search by collection

#collection_id = 'C2723754864-GES_DISC'
collection_id = 'C1598621096-GES_DISC'
results = earthaccess.search_data(
    concept_id = collection_id,
    cloud_hosted = True,
    count = 10    # Restricting to 10 records returned
Granules found: 7792

In this example we used the concept_id parameter to search from our desired collection. However, there are multiple ways to specify the collection(s) we are interested in. Alternative parameters include:

  • doi - request collection by digital object identifier (e.g., doi = ‘10.5067/GPM/IMERGDF/DAY/07’)
  • short_name - request collection by CMR shortname (e.g., short_name = ‘GPM_3IMERGDF’)

NOTE: Each Earthdata collect has a unique concept_id and doi. This is not the case with short_name. A shortname can be associated with multiple versions of a collection. If multiple versions of a collection are publicaly available, using the short_name parameter with return all versions available. It is advised to use the version parameter in conjunction with the short_name parameter with searching.

We can refine our search by passing more parameters that describe the spatiotemporal domain of our use case. Here, we use the temporal parameter to request a date range and the bounding_box parameter to request granules that intersect with a bounding box.

For our bounding box, we are going to read in a GeoJSON file containing a single feature and extract the coordinate pairs for the southeast corner and the northwest corner (or lowerleft and upperright corners) of the bounding box around the feature.

inGeojson = gpd.read_file('../../NOAAHackDay-Dec-2023/data/sf_to_sierranvmt.geojson')
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = inGeojson.total_bounds

We will assign our start date and end date to a variable named date_range and we’ll assign the southeast and the northwest corner coordinates to a variable named bbox to be passed to our earthaccess search request.

#date_range = ("2022-11-19", "2023-04-06")
date_range = ("2019-11-19", "2019-12-06")
bbox = (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
results = earthaccess.search_data(
    concept_id = collection_id,
    cloud_hosted = True,
    temporal = date_range,
    bounding_box = bbox,
Granules found: 18
  • The short_name and concept_id search parameters can be used to request one or multiple collections per request, but the doi parameter can only request a single collection.
    > concept_ids = [‘C2723754864-GES_DISC’, ‘C1646609808-NSIDC_ECS’]
  • Use the cloud_hosted search parameter only to search for data assets available from NASA’s Earthdata Cloud.
  • There are even more search parameters that can be passed to help refine our search, however those parameters do have to be populated in the CMR record to be leveraged. A non exhaustive list of examples are below:
    • day_night_flag = 'day'
    • cloud_cover = (0, 10)
# col_ids = ['C2723754864-GES_DISC', 'C1646609808-NSIDC_ECS', 'C2531308461-NSIDC_ECS', 'C2537927247-NSIDC_ECS']    # Specify a list of collections to pass to the search

# results = earthaccess.search_data(
#     concept_id = col_ids,
#     #cloud_hosted = True,
#     temporal = date_range,
#     bounding_box = bbox,
# )

Working with earthaccess returns

earthaccess provides several convenience methods to help streamline processes that historically have be painful when done using traditional methods. Following the search for data, you’ll likely take one of two pathways with those results. You may choose to download the assets that have been returned to you or you may choose to continue working with the search results within the Python environment.

Download earthaccess results

In some cases you may want to download your assets. earthaccess makes downloading the data from the search results very easy using the function.

downloaded_files =
 Getting 9 granules, approx download size: 0.27 GB

earthaccess did a lot of heavy lifting for us. It identified the downloadable links, passed our Earthdata Login credentials, and save off the file with the proper name. Amazing right!?

We’re going to remove those files to keep our space clean.

!rm ../../NOAAHackDay-Dec-2023/data/*.nc4

Explore earthaccess search response

print(f'The results variable is a {type(results)} of {type(results[0])}')
The results variable is a <class 'list'> of <class 'earthaccess.results.DataGranule'>

We can explore the first item (earthaccess.results.DataGranule) in our list.

item = results[0]

Each item contains three keys that can be used to explore the item

dict_keys(['meta', 'umm', 'size'])
{'RelatedUrls': [{'URL': '', 'Type': 'GET DATA', 'Description': 'Download 3B-DAY.MS.MRG.3IMERG.20191119-S000000-E235959.V06.nc4'}, {'URL': 's3://gesdisc-cumulus-prod-protected/GPM_L3/GPM_3IMERGDF.06/2019/11/3B-DAY.MS.MRG.3IMERG.20191119-S000000-E235959.V06.nc4', 'Type': 'GET DATA VIA DIRECT ACCESS', 'Description': 'This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule'}, {'URL': '', 'Type': 'USE SERVICE API', 'Subtype': 'OPENDAP DATA', 'Description': 'The OPENDAP location for the granule.', 'MimeType': 'application/x-netcdf-4'}, {'URL': '', 'Type': 'VIEW RELATED INFORMATION', 'Description': 'api endpoint to retrieve temporary credentials valid for same-region direct s3 access'}], 'SpatialExtent': {'HorizontalSpatialDomain': {'Geometry': {'BoundingRectangles': [{'WestBoundingCoordinate': -180.0, 'EastBoundingCoordinate': 180.0, 'NorthBoundingCoordinate': 90.0, 'SouthBoundingCoordinate': -90.0}]}}}, 'ProviderDates': [{'Date': '2020-02-27T16:10:05.000Z', 'Type': 'Insert'}, {'Date': '2020-02-27T16:10:05.000Z', 'Type': 'Update'}], 'CollectionReference': {'ShortName': 'GPM_3IMERGDF', 'Version': '06'}, 'DataGranule': {'DayNightFlag': 'Unspecified', 'Identifiers': [{'Identifier': '3B-DAY.MS.MRG.3IMERG.20191119-S000000-E235959.V06.nc4', 'IdentifierType': 'ProducerGranuleId'}], 'ProductionDateTime': '2020-02-27T16:10:05.000Z', 'ArchiveAndDistributionInformation': [{'Name': 'Not provided', 'Size': 29.92357635498047, 'SizeUnit': 'MB'}]}, 'TemporalExtent': {'RangeDateTime': {'BeginningDateTime': '2019-11-19T00:00:00.000Z', 'EndingDateTime': '2019-11-19T23:59:59.999Z'}}, 'GranuleUR': 'GPM_3IMERGDF.06:3B-DAY.MS.MRG.3IMERG.20191119-S000000-E235959.V06.nc4', 'MetadataSpecification': {'URL': '', 'Name': 'UMM-G', 'Version': '1.6.5'}}

Get data URLs / S3 URIs

Get links to data. The data_links() method is used to return the URL(s)/data link(s) for the item. By default the method returns the HTTPS URL to download or access the item.


The data_links() method can also be used to get the s3 URI when we want to perform direct s3 access of the data in the cloud. To get the s3 URI, pass access = 'direct' to the method.


If we want to extract all of the data links from our search results and add or save them to a list, we can.

data_link_list = []

for granule in results:
    for asset in granule.data_links(access='direct'):

We can pass or read these lists of data links into libraries like xarray, rioxarray, or gdal, but earthaccess has a built-in module for easily reading these data links in.

Open results in xarray

We use earthaccess’s open() method to make a connection to and open the files from our search result.

fileset =
 Opening 18 granules, approx size: 0.53 GB

Then we pass the fileset object to xarray.

ds = xr.open_mfdataset(fileset, chunks = {})

Some really cool things just happened here! Not only were we able to seamlessly stream our earthaccess search results into a xarray dataset using the open_mfdataset() (multi-file) method, but earthaccess whether we were working from within AWS us-west-2 and could use direct S3 access or if not, would use https. We didn’t have to create a session or a filesystem to authenticate and connect to the data. earthaccess did this for us using the auth object we created at the beginning of this tutorial.

Let’s take a quick lock at our xarray dataset

Dimensions:                    (time: 18, lon: 3600, lat: 1800, nv: 2)
  * lon                        (lon) float32 -179.9 -179.8 ... 179.9 179.9
  * lat                        (lat) float32 -89.95 -89.85 ... 89.85 89.95
  * time                       (time) object 2019-11-19 00:00:00 ... 2019-12-...
Dimensions without coordinates: nv
Data variables:
    precipitationCal           (time, lon, lat) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(1, 3600, 1800), meta=np.ndarray>
    precipitationCal_cnt       (time, lon, lat) int8 dask.array<chunksize=(1, 3600, 1800), meta=np.ndarray>
    precipitationCal_cnt_cond  (time, lon, lat) int8 dask.array<chunksize=(1, 3600, 1800), meta=np.ndarray>
    HQprecipitation            (time, lon, lat) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(1, 3600, 1800), meta=np.ndarray>
    HQprecipitation_cnt        (time, lon, lat) int8 dask.array<chunksize=(1, 3600, 1800), meta=np.ndarray>
    HQprecipitation_cnt_cond   (time, lon, lat) int8 dask.array<chunksize=(1, 3600, 1800), meta=np.ndarray>
    randomError                (time, lon, lat) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(1, 3600, 1800), meta=np.ndarray>
    randomError_cnt            (time, lon, lat) int8 dask.array<chunksize=(1, 3600, 1800), meta=np.ndarray>
    time_bnds                  (time, nv) object dask.array<chunksize=(1, 2), meta=np.ndarray>
    BeginDate:       2019-11-19
    BeginTime:       00:00:00.000Z
    EndDate:         2019-11-19
    EndTime:         23:59:59.999Z
    FileHeader:      StartGranuleDateTime=2019-11-19T00:00:00.000Z;\nStopGran...
    InputPointer:    3B-HHR.MS.MRG.3IMERG.20191119-S000000-E002959.0000.V06B....
    title:           GPM IMERG Final Precipitation L3 1 day 0.1 degree x 0.1 ...
    DOI:             10.5067/GPM/IMERGDF/DAY/06
    ProductionTime:  2020-02-27T16:09:48.308Z
    • lon
      PandasIndex(Float64Index([ -179.9499969482422, -179.84999084472656,             -179.75,
                    -179.64999389648438,  -179.5500030517578,  -179.4499969482422,
                    -179.34999084472656,             -179.25, -179.14999389648438,
                      179.0500030517578,  179.15000915527344,  179.25001525878906,
                      179.3500213623047,   179.4499969482422,   179.5500030517578,
                     179.65000915527344,  179.75001525878906,   179.8500213623047,
                   dtype='float64', name='lon', length=3600))
    • lat
      PandasIndex(Float64Index([-89.94999694824219,  -89.8499984741211,             -89.75,
                    -89.64999389648438, -89.54999542236328, -89.44999694824219,
                     -89.3499984741211,             -89.25, -89.14999389648438,
                     89.05000305175781,  89.15000915527344,              89.25,
                     89.35000610351562,  89.45001220703125,  89.55000305175781,
                     89.65000915527344,              89.75,  89.85000610351562,
                   dtype='float64', name='lat', length=1800))
    • time
      PandasIndex(CFTimeIndex([2019-11-19 00:00:00, 2019-11-20 00:00:00, 2019-11-21 00:00:00,
                   2019-11-22 00:00:00, 2019-11-23 00:00:00, 2019-11-24 00:00:00,
                   2019-11-25 00:00:00, 2019-11-26 00:00:00, 2019-11-27 00:00:00,
                   2019-11-28 00:00:00, 2019-11-29 00:00:00, 2019-11-30 00:00:00,
                   2019-12-01 00:00:00, 2019-12-02 00:00:00, 2019-12-03 00:00:00,
                   2019-12-04 00:00:00, 2019-12-05 00:00:00, 2019-12-06 00:00:00],
                  dtype='object', length=18, calendar='julian', freq='D'))
  • BeginDate :
    BeginTime :
    EndDate :
    EndTime :
    FileHeader :
    StartGranuleDateTime=2019-11-19T00:00:00.000Z; StopGranuleDateTime=2019-11-19T23:59:59.999Z
    InputPointer :
    title :
    GPM IMERG Final Precipitation L3 1 day 0.1 degree x 0.1 degree (GPM_3IMERGDF)
    DOI :
    ProductionTime :

  • Resources