landsat imagery for a region

Update: I was unable to get the code to run when I tried to run this months later.

In this example, I will use sits to prepare some imagery for a specific region and get snow estimates.

I will use the Microsoft Planetary Computer data since it has a nice vizualization that will help me find tiles.

Get the tile IDs

First step is to go to the visualizer and figure out the tiles I need. I am looking at an area close to the Canadian border of Washington state. MPC search page. I want to click on the files in the left nav and get the tile ids around “Early Winters”. I need four: “10UFU”, “10UGU”, “10UGV”, “10UFV”.

At first I used tiles, but later went to a small region of interest (roi). When I went from tiles to roi in the sits_regularize() the last date had no data and that caused errors.

Load the package

SITS - satellite image time series analysis.
Loaded sits v1.5.1.
        See ?sits for help, citation("sits") for use in publication.
        Documentation avaliable in

Get the data

I am going to get a month of data for a small region.

roi <- c(
  lon_min = -120.436866, lat_min = 47.570978,
  lon_max = -120.375207, lat_max = 48.611761
s2_cube <- sits_cube(
    source = "MPC",
    collection = "SENTINEL-2-L2A",
    roi = roi,
    bands = c("B03", "B11", "CLOUD"),
    start_date = as.Date("2022-07-01"),
    end_date = as.Date("2022-07-31")

  |                                                                      |   0%
  |===================================                                   |  50%
  |======================================================================| 100%

The time line is not regular.

Warning: cube is not regular, returning all timelines
 [1] "2022-07-01" "2022-07-03" "2022-07-08" "2022-07-11" "2022-07-13"
 [6] "2022-07-16" "2022-07-18" "2022-07-21" "2022-07-23" "2022-07-26"
[11] "2022-07-28"

[1] "2022-07-01" "2022-07-06" "2022-07-11" "2022-07-16" "2022-07-21"
[6] "2022-07-26"

Save our cube

The documentation says things are faster if we save a copy of our files. And we will reduce the area of interest to a really small area and weekly data. This is going to save a bunch of little files (4 tiles x 52 weeks x 3 bands) into the tempdir. This saving takes a long time itself and seems kind of pointless for this case. So I skipped this.

# roi as (lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max)
roi <- c(
  lon_min = -120.436866, lat_min = 48.570978,
  lon_max = -120.375207, lat_max = 48.611761
  output_dir = here::here("topics-2024/2024-05-24-sits/tempdir/chl1"),
  roi = roi

  |                                                                      |   0%
  |=                                                                     |   2%
  |===                                                                   |   4%
  |====                                                                  |   6%
  |=====                                                                 |   8%
  |=======                                                               |  10%
  |========                                                              |  12%
  |==========                                                            |  14%
  |===========                                                           |  16%
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  |======================================================================| 100%
# A tibble: 2 × 12
  source collection     satellite sensor tile    xmin   xmax   ymin   ymax crs  
  <chr>  <chr>          <chr>     <chr>  <chr>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>
1 MPC    SENTINEL-2-L2A SENTINEL… MSI    10UFU 688910 693620 5.38e6 5.39e6 EPSG…
2 MPC    SENTINEL-2-L2A SENTINEL… MSI    10UFU 688900 693620 5.38e6 5.39e6 EPSG…
# ℹ 2 more variables: labels <list>, file_info <list>

Regularize our cube

Next we need to regularize our cube. I will regularize to 14 day period with a 60m resolution. This is going to take a little while time.

reg_cube <- sits_regularize(
  cube = s2_cube,
  output_dir = here::here("topics-2024/2024-05-24-sits/tempdir/chl2"),
  roi = roi,
  res  = 60,
  period = "P14D",
  multicores = 4
Warning: regularization is faster when data is stored locally
 use 'sits_cube_copy()' to copy data locally before regularization

  |                                                                      |   0%
  |===================================                                   |  50%
  |======================================================================| 100%

Snow index

reg_cube <- sits_apply(reg_cube,
   NDSI = (B03 - B11)/(B03 + B11),
   output_dir = here::here("topics-2024/2024-05-24-sits/tempdir/chl2"),
   multicores = 4


Make a plot.

  band = "NDSI",
  date = "2022-07-15"
-- tmap v3 code detected --
[v3->v4] tm_raster(): instead of 'style = "cont"', use 'col.scale = tm_scale_continuous()' and migrate the argument(s) 'style.args', 'midpoint', 'palette' (rename to 'values') to 'tm_scale_continuous(<HERE>)'. For small multiples, specify a 'tm_scale_' for each multiple, and put them in a list: 'col.scale = list(<scale1>, <scale2>, ...)'
[v3->v4] tm_raster(): migrate the argument(s) related to the legend of the visual variable 'col', namely 'title' to 'col.legend = tm_legend(<HERE>)'
[cols4all] color palettes: use palettes from the R package cols4all. Run 'cols4all::c4a_gui()' to explore them. The old palette name "RdYlGn" is named "rd_yl_gn" (in long format "brewer.rd_yl_gn")


# Obtain a time series from the raster cube from a point
sample_latlong <- tibble::tibble(
  longitude = -120.43687,
  latitude  = -47.57098
series <- sits_get_data(
  cube = reg_cube,
  samples = sample_latlong