Quarto Workshop 2024
Creating reproducible and more efficient report workflows
This is a series of workshops on Quarto lead by NMFS Open Science plus 1:1 support for teams working on converting reports to a Quarto workflow. What are ‘templated’ or reproducible reports? See examples from NOAA Fisheries. The workshops are open to anyone with no sign-up needed.
Workshop: Jon Peake
Team 1 on 1 support: Jon Peake and Eli Holmes
- Workshops: Provide training in Quarto and using Quarto for report writing for first time users. Open to all.
- Team support: Provide targeted advice and technical support for teams (or individuals) looking to transform a specific report to a more reproducible or ‘templated’ approach with Quarto or RMarkdown. Four one-on-one meetings.
- Google Space to ask questions and discuss Quarto and ask questions. Open to all in NOAA.
See the schedule page.
- The 5 intro workshops are Monday and Friday at 11am PT/2pm ET during November and December. View in the NMFS Open Science calendar (NOAA only).