Quatro for amsmath LaTeX users

tldr; For LaTeX users wanting complex math in both html and PDF: 1) Don’t mix Quarto equation and amsmath syntax. Stick with amsmath. 2) Add a mathjax.html file and add to your top yaml to turn-on equation numbering and only use LaTeX equation environments (not $$). 2) For referencing, only use \label{} and \eqref{} or \ref{}. Do not use (#eq-) and @eq- for cross-refs. Pandoc (and MathJax) knows LaTeX so all your fancy equations should work if you do 1 and 2.


These are notes for those creating a Quarto book that they want to display and html and PDF formats. Those only needing Word format, sorry not sure that works as of July 2023; I have not tested since then.

To do

  • Adding equations that look like 3.1 so with the chapter numbering. We need this in Quarto books. MathJax tagformat looks like the way to go.
  • Going forward, I think we might need a lua filter for LaTeX docs. Perhaps this already exists? Like, we should have to re-write a basic LaTeX doc that has \section{abs}. We should be able to include our LaTeX chapters (chap1.tex) directly in the Quarto books and have standard LaTeX code with R or Python code mixed in.


Please put in a pull request and add more examples. Also Quarto keeps updating so these notes will get out of date. I used Quarto 1.5.55 and output from pandoc --version is

pandoc 2.19
Compiled with pandoc-types 1.22.2, texmath, skylighting 0.13,
citeproc, ipynb 0.2, hslua 2.2.1
Scripting engine: Lua 5.4