
Some comments on my approach and why I did things the way I did.


It is very common to use \maketitle. When you customize a title page, you redefine this. I personnally find that approach more difficult than necessary. If I were writing a document class (cls), sure I’d use that but for of my work, I just find that more work than necessary.

Instead I find it easier to include \begin{titlepage}....\end{titlepage} directly and not use \maketitle at all. Background: within the documentclass (required for a LaTeX document), there will be a definitian of \maketitle, a shortcut for a \begin{title}....\end{title} definition that specifies the look of the title page for that document class. Typically you’ll see this at the start of a LaTeX doc:


To figure out what the \maketitle code is, you have to dig into the document class. The document class is specified by a .cls file which you might not have access to. For example, the srcbook.cls document class used by Quarto is somewhere in the Quarto files. And in any case, document class files are hard to wade through. So instead one redefines \maketitle in ones header (the part before \begin{document}).

But for Quarto, the \maketitle call is in the before-body.tex partial. So I can just pass in my own before-body.tex.

authblk and authors

The authblk package (LaTeX) is very popular for defining the authors and affilliations for title pages. It has a lot of helper functions for defining \author, which is a short-cut for a bunch of code to format an author list. If you look in the default title.tex partial, you see \author being defined. That looks like the generic LaTeX \author definition to me.

If we look at the title.tex template in the quarto journals bj template, it looks like they are using the authblk LaTeX package which has \author[1] and \affil like things.

The problem I have with using authblk, is that when recreating a government report title page, it’s not like I get to choose how the page looks. It has to look a very particular way. So I then need to learn how to alter the authblk defaults to get the author and affiliation looks that I need. Rather than fighting authblk to get what I want, I found it easier just to create the title page manually.

Once you have a handle on Pandoc template code, it is not hard to create things like

author^1, author^1,2, author^3 and author^1

using a for loop in Pandoc. See the chapter on Pandoc templates.