NMFS GH organizations
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See the NMFS Open Science page for a list of various GitHub orgs used by groups at NMFS.
Training materials for R
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There are many many online R resources. These are some that NMFS R users have found particular helpful or R courses that were developed by NMFS or other federal agencies.
Training materials for Python
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NOAA specific packages
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- rnoaa An R interface to many NOAA data sources: climate data, ocean data, weather data, etc.
- crawl An R package that provides analytical tools for estimating the movement paths of animals from telemetry data.
- uswebr RMarkdown template based on the U.S. Web Design Standards. Example of output.
Recommended general packages
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- {tidyverse}
- {ggplot2}
- {styler} Style your code using the styler add-in for RStudio
- {distill} Distill for R Markdown is a web publishing format optimized for scientific and technical communication. Distill articles include: math, citations, footnotes, multiple ways to output content (website, blog, article).
Other Open Science Efforts in Government
- GitHub in the US federal agencies GitHub is widely used by US federal agencies and scientists to deliver products and collaborate. This wiki links to some of those efforts.
- NASA EarthData