Events and Resources

Upcoming NMFS R UG Events

Seeing a blank calendar? You must be logged into your NOAA email. We have events every week.

See the “Search past events” tab and our Past meeting notes for info on past events and links to slides, repos, notes and video.

  • Jan 23, 2024 12pm PT/3pm ET NMFS R UG monthly meeting.
  • Dec 5, 2023 12-1pm PT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Eric Ward (NWFSC) will discuss an R data package for US-Canada transboundary bottom trawl data
  • Nov 7 2023 12-1pm PDT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Trick and treat in R!: Discussion and code sharing and Posit Conf Digest (with Brian Fadely)
  • Sep 26 2023 12-1pm PDT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting {CiteSource} R package with Trevor Riley from Central Library.
  • Aug 15 2023 12-1pm PDT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Test R code with {testthat}.
  • Jul 25 2023 12-1pm PDT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Intro to Template Model Builder (TMB) with Andrea Havron.
  • Jun 27 2023 12-1pm PDT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Beginner Docker for R users with Eli Holmes (NWFSC)
  • May 23 2023 12-1pm PDT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Using the NOAA Fisheries Integrated Toolbox (NOAA FIT) with Kathryn Doering (OST)
  • May 2 2023 12-1pm PT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Citations in the R ecosystem.
  • March 28 2023 12-1pm PT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Natural Language Processing guest speaker, Brandon Kopp, Bureau of Labor Statistics
  • March 14 2023 11-12pm PDT. NMFS Posit Webinar Shiny and html widgets. See the series repo for the recording
  • Feb 28 2023 12-1pm PDT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Connecting to REST APIs in R Meeting Notes (NOAA restricted) Video 1 httr::GET Video 2 making an R client
  • Feb 14 2023 11-12pm PDT. NMFS Posit Webinar Quarto for Reproducible Reports. Slides Materials on GitHub
  • Jan 31 2023 12-1pm PDT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Lightning Talks! Video recordingslides
  • Jan 10 2023 11-12pm PDT. NMFS Posit Webinar RMarkdown and flexdashboard. video NOAA restricted
  • Dec 13 2022 12-1pm PDT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Ugly Plots and Better! Using ggplot like a pro. meeting notes)
  • Tues Nov 29 2022 12-1pm PDT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Kathryn Doering (OST) presents R Projects in GitHub Codespaces meeting notes
  • Dec 13 2022 11-12pm PDT. NMFS Posit Webinar The Most Useful RStudio IDE Features You Don’t Know. video NOAA restricted
  • Tues Oct 24 2022 12-1pm PDT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Tricks or Treats in R! Meeting notes
  • Tues Sept 27 2022 12-1pm PDT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting GitHub Enterprise discusssion. Discussion notes
  • Fri Aug 5 2022 10-11am PDT. Week 8 of Practical R and Git Workflow for NOAA Scientists Eli Holmes (NWFSC) Week 8 Part 2. R Markdown/Quarto for writing reports. Part 2 of writing big reports with R Markdown/Quarto. Link to video is on the website.
  • Tues July 19 2022 12-1pm PDT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Christine Stawitz (NWFSC) will share how she is using the GitHub API to create status emails in R. After the demo, we’ll discuss how we can use Christine’s efforts to possibly create a user-friendly R package that everyone can benefit from! slides
  • Fri July 15 2022 10-11am PDT. Week 7 of Practical R and Git Workflow for NOAA Scientists Eli Holmes (NWFSC) Week 7 Part 1. R Markdown for writing reports. There are many online tutorials for R Markdown which will cover the basics. I will focus on R Markdown for fisheries (or other) reports. When the data change (which happens often), we have to remake tables (and graphs) and update the numbers in text. For big reports, this is time-consuming and creates errors. I’ll show you how to use R Markdown to automate this process, so you are not manually remaking reports. Link to video is on the website.
  • Fri July 15 2022 10-11am PDT. Week 6 of Practical R and Git Workflow for NOAA Scientists Eli Holmes (NWFSC) Week 5 Documenting and sharing R packages with RStudio and GitHub. Link to video is on the website.
  • Fri July 8 2022 10-11am PDT. Week 5 of Practical R and Git Workflow for NOAA Scientists Eli Holmes (NWFSC) Week 5 Intro to making R packages in RStudio. Link to video is on the website.
  • Fri June 10 2022 10-11am PDT. Week 4 of Practical R and Git Workflow for NOAA Scientists Eli Holmes (NWFSC) Week 4 Intro to Scrum using GitHub issues and project boards. This week will focus on the most popular Agile methodology: Scrum. Scrum is a lightweight and flexible framework that helps teams to work together better and learn with each cycle of work. It has 3 roles, 5 events (steps) that the team goes through during a time-boxed period of work. I will show you how to set up and run a Scrum Sprint using a GitHub project board. The real power of Scrum comes with teams by promoting high functioning teamwork, but you can use Scrum solo; you’ll just have to ‘switch hats’ when you take on different roles. Link to video is on the website.
  • Fridays starting May 20 2022 10-11am PDT Practical R and Git Workflow for NOAA Scientists. All sessions are recorded and links are on the website.
  • Win-Spr 2022 NMFS R UG Monthly Events Flyer
  • Tues May 10 2022 12-1pm PDT NMFS R UG Lightning Talks! Central Library blog postVideoSlides - NOAA access
  • Tues April 12 2022 12-1pm PST {pins} with an R Studio Rep! A representative from R Studio will be joining us to introduce the {pins} R package. {pins} can be used to share on a networked drive or with services like DropBox, RStudio Connect, Amazon S3, Azure storage and Microsoft 365 (OneDrive and SharePoint).
  • Tues Mar 29 2022 12-1pm PST. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Erin Steiner (NWFSC) runs a data collection program where she collects cost and participation info from Commercial fishers, processors, and quota owners. She will present two types of markdown tools they have developed to QA their data and communicate with participants. Finally, she’ll present some data flow challenges the team has encountered and hopefully facilitate a discussion of how others have resolved those issues.
  • Recordings of the PSAW III Training Sessions are online! Recordings of the sessions - NOAA Access only
  • Tues Mar 8 2022 12-1pm PST. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Adyan Rios (SEFSC) will talk about how the SouthEast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR) is dealing with confidential data used in projects on GitHub. She’ll talk about various tools and processes to prevent confidential data or secrets from being committed to repos Recording of the session - NOAA access only
  • Wed Feb 23 2022 1-5pm Eastern. PSAW III Introduction to Mapping and Spatial Analysis in R (Kevin Stierhoff, SWFSC)
  • Wed Mar 2 and 9 2022 1-4pm EDT. PSAW III Fitting Spatial and Spatiotemporal Models with sdmTMB (Eric Ward, NWFSC; Lewis Barnett)
  • Wed Feb 9 2022 1-4pm EDT. PSAW III Training Sessions. Part 2. Introduction to FOSSA: Free & Open Source Software for Acoustics (R packages) (Shannon Rankin, SWFSC)
  • Wed Feb 16 2022 1-3pm EDT. PSAW III Training Sessions. Creating a Data R Package (Eli Holmes, NWFSC) Workshop notes and video
  • Tues Feb 15 10am HI/12pm PT/3pm ET: RStudio Connect Load Testing Christine Stawitz (OST) - We want to test the ability of the RStudio Connect instance to scale to multiple users. As such, we wanted to set up a time for us to try to use a bunch of the Shiny apps on there simultaneously. Join to learn more about the NMFS R Shiny Connect instance and see if we can break it!
  • Tues Feb 1 2022 12-1pm PST. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting. Abby Tyrell (NEFSC) gave a presentation on workflow for the Ecosystem and Socioeconomic Profiles. Slides NOAA access [AKesp report repo] ( Recording of the session - NOAA access only
  • Tues Jan 4 2022 9am PST. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting. Josh London (AFSC) will give a presentation on the {targets} package. Meeting notes Recording of the session - NOAA access only
  • Tue Dec 14th 9am PST. NMFS R UG Special Session Kelly Mayo (NMFS Office of Science and Technology) will be giving a 1 hour tutorial and discussion about manually (via Adobe Acrobat) editing reports to be 508 compliant and talk about how we can use screen readers to check our work. Meeting notes Recording of the session - NOAA access only
  • Tue Dec 7th 9am PST. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting. GitHub Actions. Eli Holmes (NWFSC) will give a brief tutorial and then NMFS R UG members will show how they are using GitHub Actions. GitHub Actions repo Recording of the session - NOAA access only
  • Nov 16th 9am PST. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting. Lightning Talks on Reproducible Reports and Scientific Manuscripts. List of talks with links to slides
  • NMFS R User Group. Oct 26, 2021 9am PST. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting. 508 Compliance and R Markdown documents repo. Recording of the session - NOAA access only
  • Oct 12th 9am PST. Inaugural NMRS R UG meeting. Virtual.

Events and Resources

Upcoming NMFS R UG Events

Seeing a blank calendar? You must be logged into your NOAA email. We have events every week.

See the “Search past events” tab and our Past meeting notes for info on past events and links to slides, repos, notes and video.

  • Jan 23, 2024 12pm PT/3pm ET NMFS R UG monthly meeting.
  • Dec 5, 2023 12-1pm PT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Eric Ward (NWFSC) will discuss an R data package for US-Canada transboundary bottom trawl data
  • Nov 7 2023 12-1pm PDT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Trick and treat in R!: Discussion and code sharing and Posit Conf Digest (with Brian Fadely)
  • Sep 26 2023 12-1pm PDT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting {CiteSource} R package with Trevor Riley from Central Library.
  • Aug 15 2023 12-1pm PDT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Test R code with {testthat}.
  • Jul 25 2023 12-1pm PDT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Intro to Template Model Builder (TMB) with Andrea Havron.
  • Jun 27 2023 12-1pm PDT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Beginner Docker for R users with Eli Holmes (NWFSC)
  • May 23 2023 12-1pm PDT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Using the NOAA Fisheries Integrated Toolbox (NOAA FIT) with Kathryn Doering (OST)
  • May 2 2023 12-1pm PT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Citations in the R ecosystem.
  • March 28 2023 12-1pm PT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Natural Language Processing guest speaker, Brandon Kopp, Bureau of Labor Statistics
  • March 14 2023 11-12pm PDT. NMFS Posit Webinar Shiny and html widgets. See the series repo for the recording
  • Feb 28 2023 12-1pm PDT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Connecting to REST APIs in R Meeting Notes (NOAA restricted) Video 1 httr::GET Video 2 making an R client
  • Feb 14 2023 11-12pm PDT. NMFS Posit Webinar Quarto for Reproducible Reports. Slides Materials on GitHub
  • Jan 31 2023 12-1pm PDT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Lightning Talks! Video recordingslides
  • Jan 10 2023 11-12pm PDT. NMFS Posit Webinar RMarkdown and flexdashboard. video NOAA restricted
  • Dec 13 2022 12-1pm PDT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Ugly Plots and Better! Using ggplot like a pro. meeting notes)
  • Tues Nov 29 2022 12-1pm PDT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Kathryn Doering (OST) presents R Projects in GitHub Codespaces meeting notes
  • Dec 13 2022 11-12pm PDT. NMFS Posit Webinar The Most Useful RStudio IDE Features You Don’t Know. video NOAA restricted
  • Tues Oct 24 2022 12-1pm PDT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Tricks or Treats in R! Meeting notes
  • Tues Sept 27 2022 12-1pm PDT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting GitHub Enterprise discusssion. Discussion notes
  • Fri Aug 5 2022 10-11am PDT. Week 8 of Practical R and Git Workflow for NOAA Scientists Eli Holmes (NWFSC) Week 8 Part 2. R Markdown/Quarto for writing reports. Part 2 of writing big reports with R Markdown/Quarto. Link to video is on the website.
  • Tues July 19 2022 12-1pm PDT. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Christine Stawitz (NWFSC) will share how she is using the GitHub API to create status emails in R. After the demo, we’ll discuss how we can use Christine’s efforts to possibly create a user-friendly R package that everyone can benefit from! slides
  • Fri July 15 2022 10-11am PDT. Week 7 of Practical R and Git Workflow for NOAA Scientists Eli Holmes (NWFSC) Week 7 Part 1. R Markdown for writing reports. There are many online tutorials for R Markdown which will cover the basics. I will focus on R Markdown for fisheries (or other) reports. When the data change (which happens often), we have to remake tables (and graphs) and update the numbers in text. For big reports, this is time-consuming and creates errors. I’ll show you how to use R Markdown to automate this process, so you are not manually remaking reports. Link to video is on the website.
  • Fri July 15 2022 10-11am PDT. Week 6 of Practical R and Git Workflow for NOAA Scientists Eli Holmes (NWFSC) Week 5 Documenting and sharing R packages with RStudio and GitHub. Link to video is on the website.
  • Fri July 8 2022 10-11am PDT. Week 5 of Practical R and Git Workflow for NOAA Scientists Eli Holmes (NWFSC) Week 5 Intro to making R packages in RStudio. Link to video is on the website.
  • Fri June 10 2022 10-11am PDT. Week 4 of Practical R and Git Workflow for NOAA Scientists Eli Holmes (NWFSC) Week 4 Intro to Scrum using GitHub issues and project boards. This week will focus on the most popular Agile methodology: Scrum. Scrum is a lightweight and flexible framework that helps teams to work together better and learn with each cycle of work. It has 3 roles, 5 events (steps) that the team goes through during a time-boxed period of work. I will show you how to set up and run a Scrum Sprint using a GitHub project board. The real power of Scrum comes with teams by promoting high functioning teamwork, but you can use Scrum solo; you’ll just have to ‘switch hats’ when you take on different roles. Link to video is on the website.
  • Fridays starting May 20 2022 10-11am PDT Practical R and Git Workflow for NOAA Scientists. All sessions are recorded and links are on the website.
  • Win-Spr 2022 NMFS R UG Monthly Events Flyer
  • Tues May 10 2022 12-1pm PDT NMFS R UG Lightning Talks! Central Library blog postVideoSlides - NOAA access
  • Tues April 12 2022 12-1pm PST {pins} with an R Studio Rep! A representative from R Studio will be joining us to introduce the {pins} R package. {pins} can be used to share on a networked drive or with services like DropBox, RStudio Connect, Amazon S3, Azure storage and Microsoft 365 (OneDrive and SharePoint).
  • Tues Mar 29 2022 12-1pm PST. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Erin Steiner (NWFSC) runs a data collection program where she collects cost and participation info from Commercial fishers, processors, and quota owners. She will present two types of markdown tools they have developed to QA their data and communicate with participants. Finally, she’ll present some data flow challenges the team has encountered and hopefully facilitate a discussion of how others have resolved those issues.
  • Recordings of the PSAW III Training Sessions are online! Recordings of the sessions - NOAA Access only
  • Tues Mar 8 2022 12-1pm PST. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting Adyan Rios (SEFSC) will talk about how the SouthEast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR) is dealing with confidential data used in projects on GitHub. She’ll talk about various tools and processes to prevent confidential data or secrets from being committed to repos Recording of the session - NOAA access only
  • Wed Feb 23 2022 1-5pm Eastern. PSAW III Introduction to Mapping and Spatial Analysis in R (Kevin Stierhoff, SWFSC)
  • Wed Mar 2 and 9 2022 1-4pm EDT. PSAW III Fitting Spatial and Spatiotemporal Models with sdmTMB (Eric Ward, NWFSC; Lewis Barnett)
  • Wed Feb 9 2022 1-4pm EDT. PSAW III Training Sessions. Part 2. Introduction to FOSSA: Free & Open Source Software for Acoustics (R packages) (Shannon Rankin, SWFSC)
  • Wed Feb 16 2022 1-3pm EDT. PSAW III Training Sessions. Creating a Data R Package (Eli Holmes, NWFSC) Workshop notes and video
  • Tues Feb 15 10am HI/12pm PT/3pm ET: RStudio Connect Load Testing Christine Stawitz (OST) - We want to test the ability of the RStudio Connect instance to scale to multiple users. As such, we wanted to set up a time for us to try to use a bunch of the Shiny apps on there simultaneously. Join to learn more about the NMFS R Shiny Connect instance and see if we can break it!
  • Tues Feb 1 2022 12-1pm PST. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting. Abby Tyrell (NEFSC) gave a presentation on workflow for the Ecosystem and Socioeconomic Profiles. Slides NOAA access [AKesp report repo] ( Recording of the session - NOAA access only
  • Tues Jan 4 2022 9am PST. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting. Josh London (AFSC) will give a presentation on the {targets} package. Meeting notes Recording of the session - NOAA access only
  • Tue Dec 14th 9am PST. NMFS R UG Special Session Kelly Mayo (NMFS Office of Science and Technology) will be giving a 1 hour tutorial and discussion about manually (via Adobe Acrobat) editing reports to be 508 compliant and talk about how we can use screen readers to check our work. Meeting notes Recording of the session - NOAA access only
  • Tue Dec 7th 9am PST. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting. GitHub Actions. Eli Holmes (NWFSC) will give a brief tutorial and then NMFS R UG members will show how they are using GitHub Actions. GitHub Actions repo Recording of the session - NOAA access only
  • Nov 16th 9am PST. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting. Lightning Talks on Reproducible Reports and Scientific Manuscripts. List of talks with links to slides
  • NMFS R User Group. Oct 26, 2021 9am PST. NMFS R UG Monthly Meeting. 508 Compliance and R Markdown documents repo. Recording of the session - NOAA access only
  • Oct 12th 9am PST. Inaugural NMRS R UG meeting. Virtual.