Reproducible Reports

Reproducible reports are documents that combine analysis code, outputs (like plots or tables), and narratives to ensure that results can be easily replicated and verified by others. They are commonly used in scientific research, data science, and analytics to maintain transparency and reliability. By incorporating both the code and results into one document (or a collection of documents), anyone can run the same analysis on the same data (or updated data) and obtain the same results.

Examples of NMFS reproducible reports

Join the NMFS R User Group on October 29th 12pm PT/3pm ET to hear 5 examples of how NMFS groups have used Quarto (and RMarkdown) to create more efficient and reproducible fisheries reports. Video (NOAA only) and Slides (NOAA only).

Sam Schiano gave a great talk October 3rd on the NOAA Fisheries Stock Assessment Workflow project. She reviewed different approaches that the stock assessment teams across the science centers have taken to creating ‘templates’ for stock assessment reports.

The Alaska Fisheries Science Center MML program gave a talk about how they transformed MML SARs to a reproducible and more efficient workflow.