A number of groups have created templates that you can use.
- NMFS OpenSci template repos, most for Quarto documents but some packages too
- NMFS OpenSci all repos, not all are templates but could be forked
- NOAA branded pkgdown template by Eli Holmes, Christine Stawitz and Bai Li
- NMFS palette A NOAA branded color palette for ggplot2, pkgdown and other uses. Developed by Christine Stawitz, Bai Li, Haley Oleynik, and Corinne Bassin
- NMFS Reports A package for creating NMFS Tech Memos and reports in R Markdown by Emily Markowitz
- NMFS Shiny Apps a template for building NMFS branded Shiny apps by Emily Markowitz
- Quarto Title Pages templates for custom PDF title pages for Quarto books by Eli Holmes
- NMFS branded xarigan presentations {xaringan} templates for NMFS branded xaringan presentations by Christine Stawitz and Eli Holmes
- personal website built from Google Drive content by Emily Markowitz
Sandboxy stuff
- Super simple website w R Markdown has a NOAA footer. Doesn’t have NMFS palette.