NMFS R Workshops
Links to training resources developed with NOAA Fisheries
NOAA CoastWatch: Assessing Satellite Data with R
NWFSC RWorkflow Workshops 2022 8 week webinar on Git, GitHub, R packaging. All material and recorded lectures are online.
PSAW III Workshops Workshops by NOAA Fisheries scientists on Git/GitHub, R packages, species distribution modeling, by-catch modeling, accessing remote-sensing data with R, open-source acoustics software
FishR101 5 week R Workshop for AFSC Fisheries Researchers organized by Caitlin Allen Akselrud (@CaitlinAkselrud-NOAA), Emily Markowitz (@EmilyMarkowitz-NOAA)
NWFSC RWorkflow Workshops 2021 8 week webinar on Git, GitHub, R packaging. All material and recorded lectures are online.
R3 Train 8-week webinar training series on Reproducible Reporting with R for marine ecological indicators, sponsored by the Working Group on the Northwest Atlantic Regional Sea
R for Management A 3-day R course developed by the West Coast Regional Office.
Intro to spatial capture-recapture modeling A workshop on the oSCR R package from USGS, NOAA Fisheries and Univ of St Andrews.
2020 R Workshop for Social Scientists workshop by NOAA Fisheries social scientists. Focus on data analysis and advanced topics.
NWFSC RWorkflow Workshops 2020 Git, GitHub, R, R packages