Quick Start

For those already familiar with Jupyter Lab and unix.

GitHub Account

A GitHub account is required to gain access to the JupyterHub and to clone the tutorials used in the Hackhours.

How do I get the tutorials into the JHub?

  • You can upload files.
  • Easiest is probably cloning into the hub. Open a terminal and type
cd ~
git clone <url of the github repo>

Authenticating to GitHub You will need to do this to be able to push to GitHub. See git authentication.

Earthdata Login Account

For content that uses the NASA Earthdata repository, you will need an Earthdata Login account. Please visit https://urs.earthdata.nasa.gov to register and manage your Earthdata Login account. This account is free to create. Please jot down your username and password, as you need to enter it in the tutorials.

When done, please stop the JupyterHub

If you are in Jupyter lab in the browser:

  • File > Hub Control Panel > Stop my server

If you are in RStudio and you still have the Jupyter lab tab open in your browser:

  • Go to the Jupyter lab tab
  • File > Hub Control Panel > Stop my server

If you are in RStudio and you do not have the Jupyter lab tab open in your browser because you closed that tab:

  • Go to the url https://<jupyterhub url>/user/<your username in the hub>/lab/ That will open the Jupyter lab tab
  • File > Hub Control Panel > Stop my server