Learning Resources
You are welcome to use the JupyterHub outside of the HackHours and workshops in order to facilitate your data science and cloud-computing learning. Here are some ideas:
- Udemy, Coursera, and DataCamp are popular platforms that have data science courses.
- I did Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp in Udemy
- The same have deep-learning and ML courses
- Harvard https://pll.harvard.edu/catalog and MIT https://ocw.mit.edu/search/?q=python have lots of free material
- Geosciences
- https://cookbooks.projectpythia.org/
- https://nasa-openscapes.github.io/earthdata-cloud-cookbook/
- https://ioos.github.io/ioos_code_lab/content/intro.html
- https://github.com/coastwatch-training/CoastWatch-Tutorials
- https://github.com/NASAARSET
- https://earth-env-data-science.github.io/intro.html
- Udemy, Coursera, and DataCamp are popular platforms that have data science courses.
- Geosciences
- https://github.com/USGS-R
- https://pmarchand1.github.io/atelier_rgeo/rgeo_workshop.html
- https://datacarpentry.github.io/r-raster-vector-geospatial/
- https://r.geocompx.org/
- https://bookdown.org/mcwimberly/gdswr-book/
- https://rspatial.org/index.html