Intro to JupyterLab
When you start the JupyterHub, you will be in JupyterLab. From there you can click on the RStudio box and open RStudio. However for this tutorial, we will stay in JuptyerLab.
Log into the JupyterHub. If you do not see this
Then go to File > New Launcher
Click on the “Terminal” box to open a new terminal window.
Shell or Terminal Basics
- What is Terminal or Shell?
- Navigating Files and Directories
- Working with Files and Directories
- Optional: Detailed self-paced lesson on running scripts from the shell: Shell Lesson from Software Carpentry
Basic shell commands:
where am Icd nameofdir
move into a directorycd ..
move up a directoryls
list the files in the current directoryls -a
list the files including hidden filesls -l
list the files with more infocat filename
print out the contents of a file
Let’s try
ls -a
cd shared
Close the terminal
Just click on the X in the terminal tab