Earthdata Login

NASA data are stored at one of several Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs). If you’re interested in available data for a given area and time of interest, the Earthdata Search portal provides a convenient web interface.

Why do I need an Earthdata login?

To programmatically access NASA data from within your Python or R scripts, you will need to enter your Earthdata username and password.

Getting an Earthdata login

If you do not already have an Earthdata login, then navigate to the Earthdata Login page, a username and password, and then record this somewhere for use during the tutorials:

Configure programmatic access to NASA servers

Run the following commands on the JupyterHub:


In the below command, replace EARTHDATA_LOGIN with your personal username and EARTHDATA_PASSWORD with your password

echo 'machine login "EARTHDATA_LOGIN" password "EARTHDATA_PASSWORD"' > ~/.netrc
chmod 0600 ~/.netrc