- version 2.0: The tex templates were written by Eli Holmes and the lua filter along with changes to the Pandoc templates to allow themes was written by Mickaël Canouil.
- version 3.0: Using Mickaël’s initial lua filter as inspiration, Eli revamped the lua filters so that themes were specified with a uniform set of metadata attributes. Many Stackoverflow help pages were used in this process.
quarto-cli: Allaire, J., Teague, C., Scheidegger, C., Xie, Y., & Dervieux, C. (2022). Quarto (Version 0.3) [Computer software].
Title pages
- vline: Based off off a static title page downloaded from Original author: Peter Wilson ( with modifications by Vel ( Converted to a Pandoc template and further modified by EE Holmes
- bg-image: EE Holmes
- classic-lined: Based off a static title page downloaded from Original author: WikiBooks (LaTeX - Title Creation) with modifications by Vel (
- academic: Based off a static title page downloaded from
- colorbox: Inspired by a static title page called multi-purpose and downloaded from Original author: WikiBooks (LaTeX - Title Creation) with modifications by Vel (
- formal: Insprired by a static thesis title page downloaded from
Cover pages
The cover page template was created by EE Holmes. The great-wave demo is based on a post by Arun Debray: Converted to Pandoc template and further modified by EE Holmes.