quarto titlepages

LaTeX title and cover pages with Quarto

quarto_titlepages is a Quarto extension for creating custom cover pages and title pages for PDF output. Pre-defined themes are available, but all themes can be customized. Static pages for copyright, dedication, etc. can be added after the title page. LaTeX users see footnote1.

From command line, to install into a new directory:

quarto use template nmfs-opensci/quarto_titlepages

To add to an existing directory or update the extension if there have been new releases, cd to the directory and then:

quarto install extension nmfs-opensci/quarto_titlepages

Template with a book cover. Double-click on image to see PDF Screenshot of great-wave title page. This template has a cover page with a great wave image. Title page has a vertical line on the left with title, subtitle, authors and affiliations on the right. There is a logo towards the bottom.

Double-click to see demo PDF in scrbook scrartcl krantz svmono elsarticle
Screenshot of vline title page. Page has a vertical line on the left with title, subtitle, authors and affiliations on the right. There is a logo towards the bottom.


  1. If you want to pass in your own title page or cover page files without using the extension framework see quarto_titlepages_v1.↩︎