Intro to Quarto

Quarto was announced at the 2022 RStudio Conference in this great keynote talk: Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel & Julia Stewart Lowndes | Hello Quarto. I am going to start by showing you 2 clips from this keynote.

What does Quarto (and RMarkdown) do?

Quarto is bundled and comes pre-installed with RStudio v2022.07.1 and beyond!

Let’s learn by creating!

  1. Open up the JupyterHub and navigate to RStudio.
  2. Plan B. You can open up RStudio on your laptop.

Create a basic Quarto document

File > New File > Quarto document

Create a basic Quarto presentation

File > New File > Quarto presentation

Create a basic Quarto book

File > New Project > Quarto book

Make a bit more fancy Quarto book

Activity for advanced R/GitHub users

  1. Go here
  2. Click the “Use this template” button and make copy in your GitHub account and give it a different name. Make sure to click the checkbox to copy all branches. Change owner to your account.
  3. Copy YOUR repo URL. It’ll look like
  4. File > New Project > Version Control and paste in your URL
  5. Click Create and then you can click the Build tab and render the book.
  6. Make some changes and push back to GitHub.
  7. Turn on GitHub Pages via Settings > Pages and selecting the gh-pages branch.
  8. Your book will automatically be published to the web.

Intro to Quarto Workshops

Thomas Mocke (Posit) has great videos on Quarto. I am using material from a 2-hour online workshop.

He also gave a 2-day workshop if you want to learn Quarto indepth.

More workshop that you can watch and join on Posit YouTube