AI Assisted Programming


Myranda Shirk, Senior Data Scientist - Vanderbilt University, USA

2023 has seen an dramatic shift toward a new workflow for programming and learning to program: AI-Assisted Programming. Using AI as your personal coding buddy and coach is the new way to work. But you need to learn how to interact with your AI helper and ask it questions.

We are going to watch a presentation given by Myranda Shirk, Senior Data Scientist, Vanderbilt University, Knoxville, US. This presentation was given at OceanHackWeek 2023 at the University of Washington in August 2023. Myranda will give you an overview of the current AI platforms and then demo how to interact with them. During this hackweek, you get a lot of practice with AI assisted programming and AI assisted brainstorming.

One important thing to note is that the chatGPT tool that Myranda used (code interpreter) is now called Advanced Data Analytics.


Lecture Notes: