Download sliced data using MOTU-Client in Copernicus

Written by Minh Phan


Most of our data is obtained from Copernicus, “the Earth Observation component of the European Union’s space programme, looking at our planet and its environment for the benefit of Europe’s citizens” ( Copernicus data, aside from traditional download methods using ERDDAP, also offers downloading using MOTU Service, “a Web Server allowing to handle and extract oceanographic huge volumes of data, creating the connection between heterogeneous data providers and end-users” (, if available. More information on MOTU can be accessed here.

Make sure to register for a Copernicus account in order to access the data.

! pip install motuclient
Collecting motuclient
  Using cached motuclient-3.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil in /srv/conda/envs/notebook/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from motuclient) (2.8.2)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /srv/conda/envs/notebook/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from python-dateutil->motuclient) (1.16.0)
Installing collected packages: motuclient
Successfully installed motuclient-3.0.0

Store credentials in bash

For security purposes, you can store your account credentials in your bash profile if you don’t want others to know yours. If you fork this notebook on your local machine and are sure that your credentials cannot be exposed anywhere else, you can skip the hassle of saving them to bash and set them as Python variables, then feed them to the prompt generator.

Make sure to change your username and password of your Copernicus/MOTU account to the two lines below for bash…

! echo 'export motu_password=YOURPASSWORD' >~/.bash_profile
! echo 'export motu_username=YOURUSERNAME' >>~/.bash_profile
# Vim will get stuck in this cell if you don't stop the cell. As soon as you see the two lines
# stop the execution and move on to the next cell.
! vim ~/.bash_profile
! source ~/.bash_profile

IMPORTANT Please restart your server for the changes to take effect

# confirm that it is shown before proceeding
! echo $motu_username

MOTU download prompt breakdown

Like ERDDAP URLs, MOTU works by sending requests to the API server. Unlike the former, it works through command line requests instead of URLs requests. Again, to prevent overloadding, we will break down the process to smaller time ranges to download.

Here’s an example of a MOTU API request

python -m motuclient –motu –service-id GLOBAL_MULTIYEAR_BGC_001_029-TDS –product-id cmems_mod_glo_bgc_my_0.25_P1D-m –longitude-min 60 –longitude-max 80 –latitude-min 5 –latitude-max 25 –date-min “2020-12-31 00:00:00” –date-max “2020-12-31 23:59:59” –depth-min 0.5057600140571594 –depth-max 16.525320053100586 –variable chl –variable po4 –variable no3 –out-dir [OUTPUT_DIRECTORY] –out-name [OUTPUT_FILENAME] –user [USERNAME] –pwd [PASSWORD]

As you can see, we have to provide all the parameters in order for the request to work, with temporal and lat/lon ranges being required on all datasets and depth range required only for some. We also have to provide username and password (that we have after creating the Copernicus account) , as well as where we are going to store the data (output directory and name).

Import necessary libraries

import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os, glob, subprocess

Download data

def prompt_generator(params, temp_folder_path):
    months = pd.date_range(params['coords']['date-min'], params['coords']['date-max'], freq='M')
    prompts = []
    for m in months:
        prompt = f"motuclient --motu --service-id {params['SERVICE_ID']}-TDS --product-id {params['PRODUCT_ID']} " + \
        f"--user {os.environ['motu_username']} --pwd {os.environ['motu_password']} --out-dir {temp_folder_path} --out-name {m.strftime('%Y%m')}.nc "
        prompt += f"--date-min '{m.strftime('%Y-%m')}-01 00:00:00' --date-max '{m.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')} 23:59:00' "
        for var in params['variables']:
            prompt += f'--variable {var} '
        for coord_name, coord_value in params['coords'].items():
            # since we already work 
            if coord_name not in ['date-min', 'date-max']:
                prompt += f'--{coord_name} {coord_value} '
    return prompts

def download_motu_api(params):
    # create new folder to store data
    MAIN_FOLDER = 'demonstrated data/motu'
    TEMP_FOLDER = params['PRODUCT_ID']
    path_temp_folder = os.path.join(MAIN_FOLDER, TEMP_FOLDER)
    if not os.path.exists(path_temp_folder):

    # generate prompts to feed into the downloader
    prompts = prompt_generator(params, path_temp_folder)
    for prompt in prompts:
        process = subprocess.Popen(prompt.split())

Next, we’re going to initialize our parameters to download the data. The template is shown below, and werecommend you to choose a spatial range slightly larger than your actual region of interest due to cutoffs that may happen at the edges.

# modify your parameters as you wish to feed into prompt generator
# here's mine to download chlorophyll-a data
var_chlorophyll = {
    'PRODUCT_ID': 'cmems_obs-oc_glo_bgc-plankton_my_l4-gapfree-multi-4km_P1D',
    'variables': ['CHL', 'CHL_uncertainty'],
    'coords': {
        'longitude-min': 60, 
        'longitude-max': 80,
        'latitude-min': 5,
        'latitude-max': 25,
        'date-min': '2000-01',
        'date-max': '2002-01' # exclusive of last month, so in this case, we get data until DEC '02
        # optional coordinate params for some datasets: 'depth-min', 'depth-max'
        # consult data access page for more information

var_sla = {
    'PRODUCT_ID': 'cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D',
    'variables': ['adt', 'sla'],
    'coords': {
        'longitude-min': 60,
        'longitude-max': 80,
        'latitude-min': 5,
        'latitude-max': 25,
        'date-min': '2000-01',
        'date-max': '2002-01' # exclusive of last month, so in this case, we get data until DEC '02
2023-07-11 04:31:55.819 [ INFO] Asynchronous mode set
2023-07-11 04:31:55.819 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:32:04.748 [ INFO] Requesting file to download (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:32:14.896 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:32:32.754 [ INFO] The product is ready for download
2023-07-11 04:32:32.754 [ INFO] Downloading file (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:32:33.680 [ INFO] File type: application/x-netcdf
2023-07-11 04:32:33.680 [ INFO] File size: 3.3 MB (3260684 B)
2023-07-11 04:32:33.680 [ INFO] Downloading file /home/jovyan/shared/minh-notebooks/motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:32:34.029 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (2.0%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.204 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (4.0%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.379 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (6.0%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.380 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (8.0%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.380 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (10.0%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.555 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (12.1%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.555 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (14.1%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.556 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (16.1%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.556 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (18.1%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.556 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (20.1%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.556 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (22.1%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.557 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (24.1%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.730 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (26.1%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.731 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (28.1%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.731 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (30.1%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.732 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (32.2%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.732 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (34.2%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.733 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (36.2%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.733 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (38.2%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.733 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (40.2%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.905 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (42.2%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.906 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (44.2%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.906 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (46.2%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.907 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (48.2%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.907 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (50.2%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.907 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (52.3%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.908 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (54.3%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.908 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (56.3%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.908 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (58.3%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.908 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (60.3%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.909 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (62.3%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.909 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (64.3%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.910 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (66.3%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.910 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (68.3%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.910 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (70.3%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.910 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (72.4%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.911 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (74.4%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.911 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (76.4%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.911 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (78.4%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.911 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (80.4%)
2023-07-11 04:32:34.912 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (82.4%)
2023-07-11 04:32:35.080 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (84.4%)
2023-07-11 04:32:35.081 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (86.4%)
2023-07-11 04:32:35.082 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (88.4%)
2023-07-11 04:32:35.082 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (90.4%)
2023-07-11 04:32:35.082 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (92.5%)
2023-07-11 04:32:35.082 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (94.5%)
2023-07-11 04:32:35.083 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (96.5%)
2023-07-11 04:32:35.083 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (98.5%)
2023-07-11 04:32:35.084 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (100.0%)
2023-07-11 04:32:35.084 [ INFO] Processing  time : 0:00:37.863885
2023-07-11 04:32:35.084 [ INFO] Downloading time : 0:00:01.403882
2023-07-11 04:32:35.084 [ INFO] Total time       : 0:00:39.267767
2023-07-11 04:32:35.084 [ INFO] Download rate    : 1.4 MB/s
2023-07-11 04:32:35.084 [ INFO] Save into        : motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:32:35.115 [ INFO] Done
2023-07-11 04:32:35.360 [ INFO] Asynchronous mode set
2023-07-11 04:32:35.360 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:32:44.852 [ INFO] Requesting file to download (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:32:53.844 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:33:09.545 [ INFO] The product is ready for download
2023-07-11 04:33:09.546 [ INFO] Downloading file (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:33:10.291 [ INFO] File type: application/x-netcdf
2023-07-11 04:33:10.291 [ INFO] File size: 3.1 MB (3050724 B)
2023-07-11 04:33:10.291 [ INFO] Downloading file /home/jovyan/shared/minh-notebooks/motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:33:10.642 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (2.1%)
2023-07-11 04:33:10.817 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (4.3%)
2023-07-11 04:33:10.990 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (6.4%)
2023-07-11 04:33:10.992 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (8.6%)
2023-07-11 04:33:10.992 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (10.7%)
2023-07-11 04:33:10.993 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (12.9%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.166 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (15.0%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.167 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (17.2%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.168 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (19.3%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.168 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (21.5%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.168 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (23.6%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.168 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (25.8%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.341 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (27.9%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.341 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (30.1%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.342 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (32.2%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.343 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (34.4%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.343 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (36.5%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.344 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (38.7%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.344 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (40.8%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.344 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (43.0%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.344 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (45.1%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.345 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (47.3%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.345 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (49.4%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.345 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (51.6%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.345 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (53.7%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.516 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (55.9%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.516 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (58.0%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.516 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (60.1%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.517 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (62.3%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.517 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (64.4%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.518 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (66.6%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.518 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (68.7%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.519 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (70.9%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.519 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (73.0%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.519 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (75.2%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.520 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (77.3%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.520 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (79.5%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.520 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (81.6%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.520 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (83.8%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.520 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (85.9%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.521 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (88.1%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.521 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (90.2%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.521 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (92.4%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.521 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (94.5%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.522 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (96.7%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.522 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (98.8%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.522 [ INFO] Progress -   3.1 MB (100.0%)
2023-07-11 04:33:11.522 [ INFO] Processing  time : 0:00:34.933586
2023-07-11 04:33:11.522 [ INFO] Downloading time : 0:00:01.231103
2023-07-11 04:33:11.522 [ INFO] Total time       : 0:00:36.164689
2023-07-11 04:33:11.522 [ INFO] Download rate    : 1.5 MB/s
2023-07-11 04:33:11.522 [ INFO] Save into        : motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:33:11.556 [ INFO] Done
2023-07-11 04:33:11.798 [ INFO] Asynchronous mode set
2023-07-11 04:33:11.798 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:33:19.952 [ INFO] Requesting file to download (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:33:28.668 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:33:44.971 [ INFO] The product is ready for download
2023-07-11 04:33:44.971 [ INFO] Downloading file (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:33:45.715 [ INFO] File type: application/x-netcdf
2023-07-11 04:33:45.715 [ INFO] File size: 3.3 MB (3260684 B)
2023-07-11 04:33:45.715 [ INFO] Downloading file /home/jovyan/shared/minh-notebooks/motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:33:46.064 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (2.0%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.239 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (4.0%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.415 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (6.0%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.415 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (8.0%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.415 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (10.0%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.590 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (12.1%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.590 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (14.1%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.591 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (16.1%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.591 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (18.1%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.591 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (20.1%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.591 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (22.1%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.765 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (24.1%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.765 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (26.1%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.765 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (28.1%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.766 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (30.1%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.766 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (32.2%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.767 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (34.2%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.767 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (36.2%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.768 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (38.2%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.768 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (40.2%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.768 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (42.2%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.768 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (44.2%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.769 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (46.2%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.769 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (48.2%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.940 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (50.2%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.940 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (52.3%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.940 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (54.3%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.941 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (56.3%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.941 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (58.3%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.941 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (60.3%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.942 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (62.3%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.942 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (64.3%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.943 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (66.3%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.943 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (68.3%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.943 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (70.3%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.944 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (72.4%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.944 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (74.4%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.944 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (76.4%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.945 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (78.4%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.945 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (80.4%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.945 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (82.4%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.945 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (84.4%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.946 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (86.4%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.946 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (88.4%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.946 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (90.4%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.946 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (92.5%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.947 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (94.5%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.947 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (96.5%)
2023-07-11 04:33:46.988 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (98.5%)
2023-07-11 04:33:47.115 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (100.0%)
2023-07-11 04:33:47.115 [ INFO] Processing  time : 0:00:33.919354
2023-07-11 04:33:47.115 [ INFO] Downloading time : 0:00:01.400042
2023-07-11 04:33:47.115 [ INFO] Total time       : 0:00:35.319396
2023-07-11 04:33:47.115 [ INFO] Download rate    : 1.5 MB/s
2023-07-11 04:33:47.115 [ INFO] Save into        : motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:33:47.158 [ INFO] Done
2023-07-11 04:33:47.403 [ INFO] Asynchronous mode set
2023-07-11 04:33:47.403 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:33:55.632 [ INFO] Requesting file to download (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:34:05.423 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:34:21.086 [ INFO] The product is ready for download
2023-07-11 04:34:21.086 [ INFO] Downloading file (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:34:21.835 [ INFO] File type: application/x-netcdf
2023-07-11 04:34:21.835 [ INFO] File size: 3.2 MB (3155704 B)
2023-07-11 04:34:21.835 [ INFO] Downloading file /home/jovyan/shared/minh-notebooks/motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:34:22.184 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (2.1%)
2023-07-11 04:34:22.359 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (4.2%)
2023-07-11 04:34:22.535 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (6.2%)
2023-07-11 04:34:22.535 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (8.3%)
2023-07-11 04:34:22.535 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (10.4%)
2023-07-11 04:34:22.710 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (12.5%)
2023-07-11 04:34:22.711 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (14.5%)
2023-07-11 04:34:22.711 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (16.6%)
2023-07-11 04:34:22.711 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (18.7%)
2023-07-11 04:34:22.712 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (20.8%)
2023-07-11 04:34:22.712 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (22.8%)
2023-07-11 04:34:22.712 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (24.9%)
2023-07-11 04:34:22.885 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (27.0%)
2023-07-11 04:34:22.886 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (29.1%)
2023-07-11 04:34:22.886 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (31.2%)
2023-07-11 04:34:22.886 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (33.2%)
2023-07-11 04:34:22.887 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (35.3%)
2023-07-11 04:34:22.888 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (37.4%)
2023-07-11 04:34:22.888 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (39.5%)
2023-07-11 04:34:22.888 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (41.5%)
2023-07-11 04:34:22.888 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (43.6%)
2023-07-11 04:34:22.889 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (45.7%)
2023-07-11 04:34:22.889 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (47.8%)
2023-07-11 04:34:22.889 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (49.8%)
2023-07-11 04:34:23.060 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (51.9%)
2023-07-11 04:34:23.061 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (54.0%)
2023-07-11 04:34:23.061 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (56.1%)
2023-07-11 04:34:23.062 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (58.1%)
2023-07-11 04:34:23.062 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (60.2%)
2023-07-11 04:34:23.063 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (62.3%)
2023-07-11 04:34:23.063 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (64.4%)
2023-07-11 04:34:23.063 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (66.5%)
2023-07-11 04:34:23.064 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (68.5%)
2023-07-11 04:34:23.064 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (70.6%)
2023-07-11 04:34:23.064 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (72.7%)
2023-07-11 04:34:23.065 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (74.8%)
2023-07-11 04:34:23.065 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (76.8%)
2023-07-11 04:34:23.065 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (78.9%)
2023-07-11 04:34:23.065 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (81.0%)
2023-07-11 04:34:23.066 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (83.1%)
2023-07-11 04:34:23.066 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (85.1%)
2023-07-11 04:34:23.066 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (87.2%)
2023-07-11 04:34:23.066 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (89.3%)
2023-07-11 04:34:23.067 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (91.4%)
2023-07-11 04:34:23.067 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (93.5%)
2023-07-11 04:34:23.067 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (95.5%)
2023-07-11 04:34:23.067 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (97.6%)
2023-07-11 04:34:23.235 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (99.7%)
2023-07-11 04:34:23.236 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (100.0%)
2023-07-11 04:34:23.236 [ INFO] Processing  time : 0:00:34.434477
2023-07-11 04:34:23.236 [ INFO] Downloading time : 0:00:01.401031
2023-07-11 04:34:23.236 [ INFO] Total time       : 0:00:35.835508
2023-07-11 04:34:23.236 [ INFO] Download rate    : 1.5 MB/s
2023-07-11 04:34:23.236 [ INFO] Save into        : motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:34:23.266 [ INFO] Done
2023-07-11 04:34:23.512 [ INFO] Asynchronous mode set
2023-07-11 04:34:23.513 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:34:30.732 [ INFO] Requesting file to download (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:34:39.973 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:34:55.062 [ INFO] The product is ready for download
2023-07-11 04:34:55.062 [ INFO] Downloading file (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:34:55.808 [ INFO] File type: application/x-netcdf
2023-07-11 04:34:55.808 [ INFO] File size: 3.3 MB (3260684 B)
2023-07-11 04:34:55.808 [ INFO] Downloading file /home/jovyan/shared/minh-notebooks/motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:34:56.158 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (2.0%)
2023-07-11 04:34:56.333 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (4.0%)
2023-07-11 04:34:56.508 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (6.0%)
2023-07-11 04:34:56.509 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (8.0%)
2023-07-11 04:34:56.683 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (10.0%)
2023-07-11 04:34:56.684 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (12.1%)
2023-07-11 04:34:56.684 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (14.1%)
2023-07-11 04:34:56.684 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (16.1%)
2023-07-11 04:34:56.685 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (18.1%)
2023-07-11 04:34:56.859 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (20.1%)
2023-07-11 04:34:56.859 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (22.1%)
2023-07-11 04:34:56.860 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (24.1%)
2023-07-11 04:34:56.860 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (26.1%)
2023-07-11 04:34:56.860 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (28.1%)
2023-07-11 04:34:56.860 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (30.1%)
2023-07-11 04:34:56.861 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (32.2%)
2023-07-11 04:34:56.862 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (34.2%)
2023-07-11 04:34:56.862 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (36.2%)
2023-07-11 04:34:56.862 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (38.2%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.034 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (40.2%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.034 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (42.2%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.035 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (44.2%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.035 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (46.2%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.035 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (48.2%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.035 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (50.2%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.036 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (52.3%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.036 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (54.3%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.036 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (56.3%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.036 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (58.3%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.037 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (60.3%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.037 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (62.3%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.037 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (64.3%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.038 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (66.3%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.038 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (68.3%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.039 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (70.3%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.039 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (72.4%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.039 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (74.4%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.040 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (76.4%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.040 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (78.4%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.209 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (80.4%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.209 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (82.4%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.210 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (84.4%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.210 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (86.4%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.210 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (88.4%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.210 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (90.4%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.211 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (92.5%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.211 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (94.5%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.211 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (96.5%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.212 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (98.5%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.212 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (100.0%)
2023-07-11 04:34:57.213 [ INFO] Processing  time : 0:00:32.298162
2023-07-11 04:34:57.213 [ INFO] Downloading time : 0:00:01.404053
2023-07-11 04:34:57.213 [ INFO] Total time       : 0:00:33.702215
2023-07-11 04:34:57.213 [ INFO] Download rate    : 1.5 MB/s
2023-07-11 04:34:57.213 [ INFO] Save into        : motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:34:57.242 [ INFO] Done
2023-07-11 04:34:57.482 [ INFO] Asynchronous mode set
2023-07-11 04:34:57.482 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:35:05.474 [ INFO] Requesting file to download (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:35:13.265 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:35:29.833 [ INFO] The product is ready for download
2023-07-11 04:35:29.833 [ INFO] Downloading file (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:35:30.583 [ INFO] File type: application/x-netcdf
2023-07-11 04:35:30.583 [ INFO] File size: 3.2 MB (3155704 B)
2023-07-11 04:35:30.583 [ INFO] Downloading file /home/jovyan/shared/minh-notebooks/motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:35:30.932 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (2.1%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.107 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (4.2%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.282 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (6.2%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.283 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (8.3%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.283 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (10.4%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.458 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (12.5%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.458 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (14.5%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.458 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (16.6%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.459 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (18.7%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.459 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (20.8%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.633 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (22.8%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.633 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (24.9%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.634 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (27.0%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.634 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (29.1%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.634 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (31.2%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.634 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (33.2%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.635 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (35.3%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.636 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (37.4%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.636 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (39.5%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.636 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (41.5%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.636 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (43.6%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.808 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (45.7%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.808 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (47.8%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.808 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (49.8%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.809 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (51.9%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.809 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (54.0%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.809 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (56.1%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.810 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (58.1%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.810 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (60.2%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.810 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (62.3%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.810 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (64.4%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.811 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (66.5%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.811 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (68.5%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.812 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (70.6%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.812 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (72.7%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.812 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (74.8%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.812 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (76.8%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.813 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (78.9%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.813 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (81.0%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.813 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (83.1%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.813 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (85.1%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.814 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (87.2%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.983 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (89.3%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.983 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (91.4%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.983 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (93.5%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.984 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (95.5%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.984 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (97.6%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.984 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (99.7%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.985 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (100.0%)
2023-07-11 04:35:31.985 [ INFO] Processing  time : 0:00:33.103400
2023-07-11 04:35:31.985 [ INFO] Downloading time : 0:00:01.401763
2023-07-11 04:35:31.985 [ INFO] Total time       : 0:00:34.505163
2023-07-11 04:35:31.985 [ INFO] Download rate    : 1.5 MB/s
2023-07-11 04:35:31.985 [ INFO] Save into        : motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:35:32.015 [ INFO] Done
2023-07-11 04:35:32.256 [ INFO] Asynchronous mode set
2023-07-11 04:35:32.257 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:35:40.867 [ INFO] Requesting file to download (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:35:49.156 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:36:05.880 [ INFO] The product is ready for download
2023-07-11 04:36:05.880 [ INFO] Downloading file (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:36:06.624 [ INFO] File type: application/x-netcdf
2023-07-11 04:36:06.625 [ INFO] File size: 3.3 MB (3260684 B)
2023-07-11 04:36:06.625 [ INFO] Downloading file /home/jovyan/shared/minh-notebooks/motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:36:06.974 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (2.0%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.149 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (4.0%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.324 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (6.0%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.324 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (8.0%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.325 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (10.0%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.499 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (12.1%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.500 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (14.1%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.500 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (16.1%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.500 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (18.1%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.500 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (20.1%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.501 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (22.1%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.501 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (24.1%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.674 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (26.1%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.675 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (28.1%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.675 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (30.1%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.675 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (32.2%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.676 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (34.2%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.677 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (36.2%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.677 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (38.2%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.677 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (40.2%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.677 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (42.2%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.678 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (44.2%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.678 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (46.2%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.678 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (48.2%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.849 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (50.2%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.850 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (52.3%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.850 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (54.3%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.850 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (56.3%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.851 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (58.3%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.851 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (60.3%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.851 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (62.3%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.852 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (64.3%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.853 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (66.3%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.853 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (68.3%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.853 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (70.3%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.853 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (72.4%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.854 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (74.4%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.854 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (76.4%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.854 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (78.4%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.854 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (80.4%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.854 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (82.4%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.855 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (84.4%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.855 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (86.4%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.855 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (88.4%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.855 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (90.4%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.856 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (92.5%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.856 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (94.5%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.856 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (96.5%)
2023-07-11 04:36:07.857 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (98.5%)
2023-07-11 04:36:08.024 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (100.0%)
2023-07-11 04:36:08.025 [ INFO] Processing  time : 0:00:34.370452
2023-07-11 04:36:08.025 [ INFO] Downloading time : 0:00:01.399979
2023-07-11 04:36:08.025 [ INFO] Total time       : 0:00:35.770431
2023-07-11 04:36:08.025 [ INFO] Download rate    : 1.5 MB/s
2023-07-11 04:36:08.025 [ INFO] Save into        : motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:36:08.055 [ INFO] Done
2023-07-11 04:36:08.293 [ INFO] Asynchronous mode set
2023-07-11 04:36:08.294 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:36:16.318 [ INFO] Requesting file to download (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:36:24.794 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:36:40.691 [ INFO] The product is ready for download
2023-07-11 04:36:40.691 [ INFO] Downloading file (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:36:41.620 [ INFO] File type: application/x-netcdf
2023-07-11 04:36:41.620 [ INFO] File size: 3.3 MB (3260684 B)
2023-07-11 04:36:41.620 [ INFO] Downloading file /home/jovyan/shared/minh-notebooks/motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:36:41.794 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (2.0%)
2023-07-11 04:36:41.969 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (4.0%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.144 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (6.0%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.145 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (8.0%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.145 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (10.0%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.319 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (12.1%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.320 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (14.1%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.320 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (16.1%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.320 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (18.1%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.321 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (20.1%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.321 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (22.1%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.321 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (24.1%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.494 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (26.1%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.495 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (28.1%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.495 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (30.1%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.495 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (32.2%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.496 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (34.2%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.497 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (36.2%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.497 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (38.2%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.497 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (40.2%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.497 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (42.2%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.498 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (44.2%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.498 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (46.2%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.498 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (48.2%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.669 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (50.2%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.670 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (52.3%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.670 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (54.3%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.670 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (56.3%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.671 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (58.3%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.671 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (60.3%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.671 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (62.3%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.672 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (64.3%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.672 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (66.3%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.673 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (68.3%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.673 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (70.3%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.673 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (72.4%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.673 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (74.4%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.674 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (76.4%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.674 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (78.4%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.674 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (80.4%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.674 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (82.4%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.675 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (84.4%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.675 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (86.4%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.675 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (88.4%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.675 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (90.4%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.676 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (92.5%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.676 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (94.5%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.676 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (96.5%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.677 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (98.5%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.845 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (100.0%)
2023-07-11 04:36:42.845 [ INFO] Processing  time : 0:00:33.329086
2023-07-11 04:36:42.845 [ INFO] Downloading time : 0:00:01.224631
2023-07-11 04:36:42.845 [ INFO] Total time       : 0:00:34.553717
2023-07-11 04:36:42.845 [ INFO] Download rate    : 1.5 MB/s
2023-07-11 04:36:42.845 [ INFO] Save into        : motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:36:42.876 [ INFO] Done
2023-07-11 04:36:43.117 [ INFO] Asynchronous mode set
2023-07-11 04:36:43.118 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:36:50.965 [ INFO] Requesting file to download (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:36:59.415 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:37:13.369 [ INFO] The product is ready for download
2023-07-11 04:37:13.369 [ INFO] Downloading file (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:37:14.112 [ INFO] File type: application/x-netcdf
2023-07-11 04:37:14.112 [ INFO] File size: 3.2 MB (3155704 B)
2023-07-11 04:37:14.113 [ INFO] Downloading file /home/jovyan/shared/minh-notebooks/motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:37:14.462 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (2.1%)
2023-07-11 04:37:14.637 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (4.2%)
2023-07-11 04:37:14.812 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (6.2%)
2023-07-11 04:37:14.812 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (8.3%)
2023-07-11 04:37:14.813 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (10.4%)
2023-07-11 04:37:14.987 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (12.5%)
2023-07-11 04:37:14.987 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (14.5%)
2023-07-11 04:37:14.988 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (16.6%)
2023-07-11 04:37:14.988 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (18.7%)
2023-07-11 04:37:14.988 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (20.8%)
2023-07-11 04:37:14.988 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (22.8%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.162 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (24.9%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.163 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (27.0%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.163 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (29.1%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.163 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (31.2%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.164 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (33.2%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.164 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (35.3%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.165 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (37.4%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.165 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (39.5%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.165 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (41.5%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.165 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (43.6%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.166 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (45.7%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.337 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (47.8%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.337 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (49.8%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.338 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (51.9%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.338 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (54.0%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.338 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (56.1%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.338 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (58.1%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.339 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (60.2%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.339 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (62.3%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.339 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (64.4%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.339 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (66.5%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.340 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (68.5%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.340 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (70.6%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.341 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (72.7%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.341 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (74.8%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.341 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (76.8%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.341 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (78.9%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.342 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (81.0%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.342 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (83.1%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.342 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (85.1%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.342 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (87.2%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.342 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (89.3%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.343 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (91.4%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.343 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (93.5%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.512 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (95.5%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.512 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (97.6%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.513 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (99.7%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.513 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (100.0%)
2023-07-11 04:37:15.513 [ INFO] Processing  time : 0:00:30.997472
2023-07-11 04:37:15.513 [ INFO] Downloading time : 0:00:01.400914
2023-07-11 04:37:15.513 [ INFO] Total time       : 0:00:32.398386
2023-07-11 04:37:15.513 [ INFO] Download rate    : 1.5 MB/s
2023-07-11 04:37:15.514 [ INFO] Save into        : motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:37:15.543 [ INFO] Done
2023-07-11 04:37:15.783 [ INFO] Asynchronous mode set
2023-07-11 04:37:15.783 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:37:20.984 [ INFO] Requesting file to download (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:37:30.393 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:37:47.071 [ INFO] The product is ready for download
2023-07-11 04:37:47.071 [ INFO] Downloading file (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:37:47.821 [ INFO] File type: application/x-netcdf
2023-07-11 04:37:47.821 [ INFO] File size: 3.3 MB (3260684 B)
2023-07-11 04:37:47.821 [ INFO] Downloading file /home/jovyan/shared/minh-notebooks/motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:37:48.170 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (2.0%)
2023-07-11 04:37:48.346 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (4.0%)
2023-07-11 04:37:48.520 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (6.0%)
2023-07-11 04:37:48.521 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (8.0%)
2023-07-11 04:37:48.521 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (10.0%)
2023-07-11 04:37:48.695 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (12.1%)
2023-07-11 04:37:48.696 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (14.1%)
2023-07-11 04:37:48.696 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (16.1%)
2023-07-11 04:37:48.696 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (18.1%)
2023-07-11 04:37:48.697 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (20.1%)
2023-07-11 04:37:48.697 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (22.1%)
2023-07-11 04:37:48.697 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (24.1%)
2023-07-11 04:37:48.871 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (26.1%)
2023-07-11 04:37:48.871 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (28.1%)
2023-07-11 04:37:48.872 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (30.1%)
2023-07-11 04:37:48.872 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (32.2%)
2023-07-11 04:37:48.873 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (34.2%)
2023-07-11 04:37:48.873 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (36.2%)
2023-07-11 04:37:48.873 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (38.2%)
2023-07-11 04:37:48.874 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (40.2%)
2023-07-11 04:37:48.874 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (42.2%)
2023-07-11 04:37:48.874 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (44.2%)
2023-07-11 04:37:48.874 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (46.2%)
2023-07-11 04:37:48.874 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (48.2%)
2023-07-11 04:37:49.046 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (50.2%)
2023-07-11 04:37:49.046 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (52.3%)
2023-07-11 04:37:49.046 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (54.3%)
2023-07-11 04:37:49.047 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (56.3%)
2023-07-11 04:37:49.047 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (58.3%)
2023-07-11 04:37:49.047 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (60.3%)
2023-07-11 04:37:49.048 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (62.3%)
2023-07-11 04:37:49.048 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (64.3%)
2023-07-11 04:37:49.049 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (66.3%)
2023-07-11 04:37:49.049 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (68.3%)
2023-07-11 04:37:49.049 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (70.3%)
2023-07-11 04:37:49.049 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (72.4%)
2023-07-11 04:37:49.050 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (74.4%)
2023-07-11 04:37:49.050 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (76.4%)
2023-07-11 04:37:49.050 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (78.4%)
2023-07-11 04:37:49.050 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (80.4%)
2023-07-11 04:37:49.051 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (82.4%)
2023-07-11 04:37:49.051 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (84.4%)
2023-07-11 04:37:49.051 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (86.4%)
2023-07-11 04:37:49.051 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (88.4%)
2023-07-11 04:37:49.051 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (90.4%)
2023-07-11 04:37:49.052 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (92.5%)
2023-07-11 04:37:49.052 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (94.5%)
2023-07-11 04:37:49.052 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (96.5%)
2023-07-11 04:37:49.053 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (98.5%)
2023-07-11 04:37:49.053 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (100.0%)
2023-07-11 04:37:49.053 [ INFO] Processing  time : 0:00:32.040412
2023-07-11 04:37:49.053 [ INFO] Downloading time : 0:00:01.232141
2023-07-11 04:37:49.053 [ INFO] Total time       : 0:00:33.272553
2023-07-11 04:37:49.053 [ INFO] Download rate    : 1.6 MB/s
2023-07-11 04:37:49.054 [ INFO] Save into        : motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:37:49.084 [ INFO] Done
2023-07-11 04:37:49.325 [ INFO] Asynchronous mode set
2023-07-11 04:37:49.325 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:37:59.411 [ INFO] Requesting file to download (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:38:06.403 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:38:22.049 [ INFO] The product is ready for download
2023-07-11 04:38:22.049 [ INFO] Downloading file (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:38:22.795 [ INFO] File type: application/x-netcdf
2023-07-11 04:38:22.795 [ INFO] File size: 3.2 MB (3155704 B)
2023-07-11 04:38:22.795 [ INFO] Downloading file /home/jovyan/shared/minh-notebooks/motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:38:23.144 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (2.1%)
2023-07-11 04:38:23.319 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (4.2%)
2023-07-11 04:38:23.494 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (6.2%)
2023-07-11 04:38:23.495 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (8.3%)
2023-07-11 04:38:23.495 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (10.4%)
2023-07-11 04:38:23.669 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (12.5%)
2023-07-11 04:38:23.670 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (14.5%)
2023-07-11 04:38:23.670 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (16.6%)
2023-07-11 04:38:23.670 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (18.7%)
2023-07-11 04:38:23.671 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (20.8%)
2023-07-11 04:38:23.671 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (22.8%)
2023-07-11 04:38:23.844 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (24.9%)
2023-07-11 04:38:23.845 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (27.0%)
2023-07-11 04:38:23.845 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (29.1%)
2023-07-11 04:38:23.845 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (31.2%)
2023-07-11 04:38:23.846 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (33.2%)
2023-07-11 04:38:23.847 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (35.3%)
2023-07-11 04:38:23.847 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (37.4%)
2023-07-11 04:38:23.847 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (39.5%)
2023-07-11 04:38:23.847 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (41.5%)
2023-07-11 04:38:23.848 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (43.6%)
2023-07-11 04:38:23.848 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (45.7%)
2023-07-11 04:38:23.848 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (47.8%)
2023-07-11 04:38:24.019 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (49.8%)
2023-07-11 04:38:24.020 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (51.9%)
2023-07-11 04:38:24.020 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (54.0%)
2023-07-11 04:38:24.020 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (56.1%)
2023-07-11 04:38:24.021 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (58.1%)
2023-07-11 04:38:24.021 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (60.2%)
2023-07-11 04:38:24.021 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (62.3%)
2023-07-11 04:38:24.021 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (64.4%)
2023-07-11 04:38:24.022 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (66.5%)
2023-07-11 04:38:24.022 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (68.5%)
2023-07-11 04:38:24.023 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (70.6%)
2023-07-11 04:38:24.023 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (72.7%)
2023-07-11 04:38:24.023 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (74.8%)
2023-07-11 04:38:24.023 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (76.8%)
2023-07-11 04:38:24.023 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (78.9%)
2023-07-11 04:38:24.024 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (81.0%)
2023-07-11 04:38:24.024 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (83.1%)
2023-07-11 04:38:24.024 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (85.1%)
2023-07-11 04:38:24.024 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (87.2%)
2023-07-11 04:38:24.025 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (89.3%)
2023-07-11 04:38:24.025 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (91.4%)
2023-07-11 04:38:24.025 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (93.5%)
2023-07-11 04:38:24.025 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (95.5%)
2023-07-11 04:38:24.025 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (97.6%)
2023-07-11 04:38:24.194 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (99.7%)
2023-07-11 04:38:24.195 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (100.0%)
2023-07-11 04:38:24.195 [ INFO] Processing  time : 0:00:33.470549
2023-07-11 04:38:24.195 [ INFO] Downloading time : 0:00:01.400394
2023-07-11 04:38:24.195 [ INFO] Total time       : 0:00:34.870943
2023-07-11 04:38:24.195 [ INFO] Download rate    : 1.5 MB/s
2023-07-11 04:38:24.195 [ INFO] Save into        : motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:38:24.225 [ INFO] Done
2023-07-11 04:38:24.465 [ INFO] Asynchronous mode set
2023-07-11 04:38:24.465 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:38:30.868 [ INFO] Requesting file to download (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:38:40.474 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:38:55.592 [ INFO] The product is ready for download
2023-07-11 04:38:55.592 [ INFO] Downloading file (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:38:56.336 [ INFO] File type: application/x-netcdf
2023-07-11 04:38:56.336 [ INFO] File size: 3.3 MB (3260684 B)
2023-07-11 04:38:56.336 [ INFO] Downloading file /home/jovyan/shared/minh-notebooks/motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:38:56.687 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (2.0%)
2023-07-11 04:38:56.862 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (4.0%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.035 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (6.0%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.037 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (8.0%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.037 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (10.0%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.037 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (12.1%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.211 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (14.1%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.212 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (16.1%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.212 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (18.1%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.212 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (20.1%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.213 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (22.1%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.213 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (24.1%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.386 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (26.1%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.386 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (28.1%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.386 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (30.1%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.387 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (32.2%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.388 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (34.2%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.388 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (36.2%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.388 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (38.2%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.389 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (40.2%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.389 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (42.2%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.389 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (44.2%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.389 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (46.2%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.390 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (48.2%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.390 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (50.2%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.390 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (52.3%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.561 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (54.3%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.561 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (56.3%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.562 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (58.3%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.562 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (60.3%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.562 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (62.3%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.562 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (64.3%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.563 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (66.3%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.564 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (68.3%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.564 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (70.3%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.564 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (72.4%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.565 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (74.4%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.565 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (76.4%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.565 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (78.4%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.565 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (80.4%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.566 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (82.4%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.566 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (84.4%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.566 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (86.4%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.566 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (88.4%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.567 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (90.4%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.567 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (92.5%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.567 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (94.5%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.567 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (96.5%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.568 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (98.5%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.569 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (100.0%)
2023-07-11 04:38:57.569 [ INFO] Processing  time : 0:00:31.874707
2023-07-11 04:38:57.569 [ INFO] Downloading time : 0:00:01.232594
2023-07-11 04:38:57.569 [ INFO] Total time       : 0:00:33.107301
2023-07-11 04:38:57.569 [ INFO] Download rate    : 1.6 MB/s
2023-07-11 04:38:57.569 [ INFO] Save into        : motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:38:57.599 [ INFO] Done
2023-07-11 04:38:57.840 [ INFO] Asynchronous mode set
2023-07-11 04:38:57.840 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:39:04.934 [ INFO] Requesting file to download (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:39:11.874 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:39:27.152 [ INFO] The product is ready for download
2023-07-11 04:39:27.153 [ INFO] Downloading file (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:39:27.897 [ INFO] File type: application/x-netcdf
2023-07-11 04:39:27.897 [ INFO] File size: 3.3 MB (3260684 B)
2023-07-11 04:39:27.897 [ INFO] Downloading file /home/jovyan/shared/minh-notebooks/motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:39:28.247 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (2.0%)
2023-07-11 04:39:28.422 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (4.0%)
2023-07-11 04:39:28.597 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (6.0%)
2023-07-11 04:39:28.597 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (8.0%)
2023-07-11 04:39:28.772 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (10.0%)
2023-07-11 04:39:28.772 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (12.1%)
2023-07-11 04:39:28.772 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (14.1%)
2023-07-11 04:39:28.773 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (16.1%)
2023-07-11 04:39:28.773 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (18.1%)
2023-07-11 04:39:28.947 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (20.1%)
2023-07-11 04:39:28.947 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (22.1%)
2023-07-11 04:39:28.947 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (24.1%)
2023-07-11 04:39:28.948 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (26.1%)
2023-07-11 04:39:28.948 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (28.1%)
2023-07-11 04:39:28.948 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (30.1%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.122 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (32.2%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.123 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (34.2%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.123 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (36.2%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.124 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (38.2%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.124 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (40.2%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.124 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (42.2%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.124 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (44.2%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.125 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (46.2%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.125 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (48.2%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.125 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (50.2%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.125 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (52.3%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.125 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (54.3%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.126 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (56.3%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.126 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (58.3%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.297 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (60.3%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.297 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (62.3%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.297 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (64.3%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.298 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (66.3%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.299 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (68.3%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.299 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (70.3%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.299 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (72.4%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.300 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (74.4%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.300 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (76.4%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.300 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (78.4%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.300 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (80.4%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.301 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (82.4%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.301 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (84.4%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.301 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (86.4%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.301 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (88.4%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.301 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (90.4%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.302 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (92.5%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.302 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (94.5%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.302 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (96.5%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.303 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (98.5%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.303 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (100.0%)
2023-07-11 04:39:29.303 [ INFO] Processing  time : 0:00:30.059472
2023-07-11 04:39:29.303 [ INFO] Downloading time : 0:00:01.406073
2023-07-11 04:39:29.303 [ INFO] Total time       : 0:00:31.465545
2023-07-11 04:39:29.303 [ INFO] Download rate    : 1.5 MB/s
2023-07-11 04:39:29.304 [ INFO] Save into        : motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:39:29.334 [ INFO] Done
2023-07-11 04:39:29.573 [ INFO] Asynchronous mode set
2023-07-11 04:39:29.574 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:39:36.995 [ INFO] Requesting file to download (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:39:45.826 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:40:00.771 [ INFO] The product is ready for download
2023-07-11 04:40:00.771 [ INFO] Downloading file (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:40:01.520 [ INFO] File type: application/x-netcdf
2023-07-11 04:40:01.520 [ INFO] File size: 2.9 MB (2945744 B)
2023-07-11 04:40:01.521 [ INFO] Downloading file /home/jovyan/shared/minh-notebooks/motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:40:01.870 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (2.2%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.045 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (4.4%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.220 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (6.7%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.220 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (8.9%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.221 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (11.1%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.221 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (13.3%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.395 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (15.6%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.396 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (17.8%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.396 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (20.0%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.396 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (22.2%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.397 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (24.5%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.397 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (26.7%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.570 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (28.9%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.571 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (31.1%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.571 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (33.4%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.571 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (35.6%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.572 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (37.8%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.573 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (40.0%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.573 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (42.3%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.573 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (44.5%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.573 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (46.7%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.573 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (48.9%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.574 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (51.2%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.574 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (53.4%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.745 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (55.6%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.746 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (57.8%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.746 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (60.1%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.747 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (62.3%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.747 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (64.5%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.747 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (66.7%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.747 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (69.0%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.748 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (71.2%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.748 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (73.4%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.749 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (75.6%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.749 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (77.9%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.749 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (80.1%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.749 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (82.3%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.750 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (84.5%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.750 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (86.8%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.750 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (89.0%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.750 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (91.2%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.751 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (93.4%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.751 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (95.7%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.751 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (97.9%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.752 [ INFO] Progress -   2.9 MB (100.0%)
2023-07-11 04:40:02.752 [ INFO] Processing  time : 0:00:31.949474
2023-07-11 04:40:02.752 [ INFO] Downloading time : 0:00:01.231045
2023-07-11 04:40:02.752 [ INFO] Total time       : 0:00:33.180519
2023-07-11 04:40:02.752 [ INFO] Download rate    : 1.5 MB/s
2023-07-11 04:40:02.752 [ INFO] Save into        : motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:40:02.784 [ INFO] Done
2023-07-11 04:40:03.024 [ INFO] Asynchronous mode set
2023-07-11 04:40:03.024 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:40:12.056 [ INFO] Requesting file to download (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:40:18.657 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:40:33.365 [ INFO] The product is ready for download
2023-07-11 04:40:33.365 [ INFO] Downloading file (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:40:34.109 [ INFO] File type: application/x-netcdf
2023-07-11 04:40:34.109 [ INFO] File size: 3.3 MB (3260684 B)
2023-07-11 04:40:34.109 [ INFO] Downloading file /home/jovyan/shared/minh-notebooks/motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:40:34.460 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (2.0%)
2023-07-11 04:40:34.635 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (4.0%)
2023-07-11 04:40:34.808 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (6.0%)
2023-07-11 04:40:34.810 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (8.0%)
2023-07-11 04:40:34.983 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (10.0%)
2023-07-11 04:40:34.984 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (12.1%)
2023-07-11 04:40:34.984 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (14.1%)
2023-07-11 04:40:34.985 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (16.1%)
2023-07-11 04:40:34.985 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (18.1%)
2023-07-11 04:40:34.986 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (20.1%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.159 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (22.1%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.159 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (24.1%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.159 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (26.1%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.160 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (28.1%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.160 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (30.1%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.160 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (32.2%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.161 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (34.2%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.161 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (36.2%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.162 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (38.2%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.162 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (40.2%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.162 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (42.2%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.334 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (44.2%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.334 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (46.2%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.334 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (48.2%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.335 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (50.2%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.335 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (52.3%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.335 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (54.3%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.335 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (56.3%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.336 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (58.3%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.336 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (60.3%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.336 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (62.3%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.337 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (64.3%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.337 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (66.3%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.338 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (68.3%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.338 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (70.3%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.338 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (72.4%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.338 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (74.4%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.339 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (76.4%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.339 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (78.4%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.339 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (80.4%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.339 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (82.4%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.340 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (84.4%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.340 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (86.4%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.509 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (88.4%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.509 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (90.4%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.509 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (92.5%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.510 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (94.5%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.510 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (96.5%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.511 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (98.5%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.511 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (100.0%)
2023-07-11 04:40:35.511 [ INFO] Processing  time : 0:00:31.085699
2023-07-11 04:40:35.511 [ INFO] Downloading time : 0:00:01.401936
2023-07-11 04:40:35.511 [ INFO] Total time       : 0:00:32.487635
2023-07-11 04:40:35.511 [ INFO] Download rate    : 1.5 MB/s
2023-07-11 04:40:35.511 [ INFO] Save into        : motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:40:35.541 [ INFO] Done
2023-07-11 04:40:35.783 [ INFO] Asynchronous mode set
2023-07-11 04:40:35.783 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:40:42.416 [ INFO] Requesting file to download (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:40:51.415 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:41:07.906 [ INFO] The product is ready for download
2023-07-11 04:41:07.906 [ INFO] Downloading file (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:41:08.658 [ INFO] File type: application/x-netcdf
2023-07-11 04:41:08.658 [ INFO] File size: 3.2 MB (3155704 B)
2023-07-11 04:41:08.658 [ INFO] Downloading file /home/jovyan/shared/minh-notebooks/motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:41:09.007 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (2.1%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.182 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (4.2%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.183 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (6.2%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.357 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (8.3%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.358 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (10.4%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.358 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (12.5%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.532 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (14.5%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.532 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (16.6%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.533 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (18.7%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.533 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (20.8%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.533 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (22.8%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.534 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (24.9%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.534 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (27.0%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.707 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (29.1%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.708 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (31.2%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.708 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (33.2%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.709 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (35.3%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.709 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (37.4%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.710 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (39.5%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.710 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (41.5%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.710 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (43.6%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.710 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (45.7%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.710 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (47.8%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.711 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (49.8%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.711 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (51.9%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.711 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (54.0%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.711 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (56.1%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.882 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (58.1%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.883 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (60.2%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.883 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (62.3%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.883 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (64.4%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.884 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (66.5%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.884 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (68.5%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.885 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (70.6%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.885 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (72.7%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.885 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (74.8%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.885 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (76.8%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.886 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (78.9%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.886 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (81.0%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.886 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (83.1%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.886 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (85.1%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.887 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (87.2%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.887 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (89.3%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.887 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (91.4%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.887 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (93.5%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.888 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (95.5%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.888 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (97.6%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.888 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (99.7%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.889 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (100.0%)
2023-07-11 04:41:09.889 [ INFO] Processing  time : 0:00:32.877246
2023-07-11 04:41:09.889 [ INFO] Downloading time : 0:00:01.230603
2023-07-11 04:41:09.889 [ INFO] Total time       : 0:00:34.107849
2023-07-11 04:41:09.889 [ INFO] Download rate    : 1.6 MB/s
2023-07-11 04:41:09.889 [ INFO] Save into        : motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:41:09.919 [ INFO] Done
2023-07-11 04:41:10.168 [ INFO] Asynchronous mode set
2023-07-11 04:41:10.169 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:41:17.159 [ INFO] Requesting file to download (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:41:23.689 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:41:40.330 [ INFO] The product is ready for download
2023-07-11 04:41:40.330 [ INFO] Downloading file (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:41:41.240 [ INFO] File type: application/x-netcdf
2023-07-11 04:41:41.240 [ INFO] File size: 3.3 MB (3260684 B)
2023-07-11 04:41:41.240 [ INFO] Downloading file /home/jovyan/shared/minh-notebooks/motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:41:41.413 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (2.0%)
2023-07-11 04:41:41.586 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (4.0%)
2023-07-11 04:41:41.756 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (6.0%)
2023-07-11 04:41:41.758 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (8.0%)
2023-07-11 04:41:41.758 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (10.0%)
2023-07-11 04:41:41.929 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (12.1%)
2023-07-11 04:41:41.929 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (14.1%)
2023-07-11 04:41:41.931 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (16.1%)
2023-07-11 04:41:41.931 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (18.1%)
2023-07-11 04:41:41.931 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (20.1%)
2023-07-11 04:41:41.931 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (22.1%)
2023-07-11 04:41:41.932 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (24.1%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.101 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (26.1%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.102 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (28.1%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.103 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (30.1%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.103 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (32.2%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.104 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (34.2%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.104 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (36.2%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.105 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (38.2%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.105 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (40.2%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.105 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (42.2%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.105 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (44.2%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.106 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (46.2%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.106 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (48.2%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.274 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (50.2%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.274 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (52.3%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.274 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (54.3%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.275 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (56.3%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.275 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (58.3%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.275 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (60.3%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.276 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (62.3%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.277 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (64.3%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.277 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (66.3%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.278 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (68.3%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.278 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (70.3%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.278 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (72.4%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.278 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (74.4%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.279 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (76.4%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.279 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (78.4%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.279 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (80.4%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.279 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (82.4%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.279 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (84.4%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.280 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (86.4%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.280 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (88.4%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.280 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (90.4%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.280 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (92.5%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.281 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (94.5%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.281 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (96.5%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.282 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (98.5%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.282 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (100.0%)
2023-07-11 04:41:42.282 [ INFO] Processing  time : 0:00:31.073788
2023-07-11 04:41:42.282 [ INFO] Downloading time : 0:00:01.041936
2023-07-11 04:41:42.282 [ INFO] Total time       : 0:00:32.115724
2023-07-11 04:41:42.282 [ INFO] Download rate    : 1.7 MB/s
2023-07-11 04:41:42.282 [ INFO] Save into        : motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:41:42.313 [ INFO] Done
2023-07-11 04:41:42.557 [ INFO] Asynchronous mode set
2023-07-11 04:41:42.557 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:41:51.498 [ INFO] Requesting file to download (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:41:58.720 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:42:13.967 [ INFO] The product is ready for download
2023-07-11 04:42:13.967 [ INFO] Downloading file (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:42:14.703 [ INFO] File type: application/x-netcdf
2023-07-11 04:42:14.703 [ INFO] File size: 3.2 MB (3155704 B)
2023-07-11 04:42:14.704 [ INFO] Downloading file /home/jovyan/shared/minh-notebooks/motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:42:15.048 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (2.1%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.220 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (4.2%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.221 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (6.2%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.392 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (8.3%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.393 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (10.4%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.394 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (12.5%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.564 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (14.5%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.565 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (16.6%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.565 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (18.7%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.565 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (20.8%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.566 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (22.8%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.566 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (24.9%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.566 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (27.0%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.736 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (29.1%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.737 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (31.2%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.737 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (33.2%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.739 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (35.3%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.739 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (37.4%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.739 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (39.5%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.739 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (41.5%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.740 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (43.6%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.740 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (45.7%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.740 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (47.8%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.740 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (49.8%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.741 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (51.9%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.741 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (54.0%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.741 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (56.1%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.909 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (58.1%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.909 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (60.2%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.910 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (62.3%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.910 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (64.4%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.910 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (66.5%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.911 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (68.5%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.911 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (70.6%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.911 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (72.7%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.912 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (74.8%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.912 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (76.8%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.912 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (78.9%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.912 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (81.0%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.913 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (83.1%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.913 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (85.1%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.913 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (87.2%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.913 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (89.3%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.914 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (91.4%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.914 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (93.5%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.914 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (95.5%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.914 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (97.6%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.914 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (99.7%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.915 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (100.0%)
2023-07-11 04:42:15.915 [ INFO] Processing  time : 0:00:32.148979
2023-07-11 04:42:15.915 [ INFO] Downloading time : 0:00:01.211730
2023-07-11 04:42:15.915 [ INFO] Total time       : 0:00:33.360709
2023-07-11 04:42:15.915 [ INFO] Download rate    : 1.6 MB/s
2023-07-11 04:42:15.915 [ INFO] Save into        : motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:42:15.945 [ INFO] Done
2023-07-11 04:42:16.186 [ INFO] Asynchronous mode set
2023-07-11 04:42:16.186 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:42:22.965 [ INFO] Requesting file to download (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:42:29.614 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:42:44.253 [ INFO] The product is ready for download
2023-07-11 04:42:44.254 [ INFO] Downloading file (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:42:45.157 [ INFO] File type: application/x-netcdf
2023-07-11 04:42:45.157 [ INFO] File size: 3.3 MB (3260684 B)
2023-07-11 04:42:45.157 [ INFO] Downloading file /home/jovyan/shared/minh-notebooks/motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:42:45.330 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (2.0%)
2023-07-11 04:42:45.503 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (4.0%)
2023-07-11 04:42:45.673 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (6.0%)
2023-07-11 04:42:45.675 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (8.0%)
2023-07-11 04:42:45.675 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (10.0%)
2023-07-11 04:42:45.846 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (12.1%)
2023-07-11 04:42:45.846 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (14.1%)
2023-07-11 04:42:45.848 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (16.1%)
2023-07-11 04:42:45.848 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (18.1%)
2023-07-11 04:42:45.848 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (20.1%)
2023-07-11 04:42:45.848 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (22.1%)
2023-07-11 04:42:45.849 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (24.1%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.018 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (26.1%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.019 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (28.1%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.020 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (30.1%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.020 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (32.2%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.021 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (34.2%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.021 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (36.2%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.022 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (38.2%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.022 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (40.2%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.022 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (42.2%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.022 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (44.2%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.023 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (46.2%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.023 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (48.2%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.190 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (50.2%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.191 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (52.3%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.191 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (54.3%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.191 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (56.3%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.192 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (58.3%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.193 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (60.3%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.193 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (62.3%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.193 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (64.3%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.194 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (66.3%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.194 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (68.3%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.195 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (70.3%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.195 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (72.4%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.195 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (74.4%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.195 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (76.4%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.196 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (78.4%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.196 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (80.4%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.196 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (82.4%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.196 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (84.4%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.197 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (86.4%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.197 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (88.4%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.197 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (90.4%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.197 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (92.5%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.198 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (94.5%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.198 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (96.5%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.199 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (98.5%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.199 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (100.0%)
2023-07-11 04:42:46.199 [ INFO] Processing  time : 0:00:28.973583
2023-07-11 04:42:46.199 [ INFO] Downloading time : 0:00:01.042066
2023-07-11 04:42:46.199 [ INFO] Total time       : 0:00:30.015649
2023-07-11 04:42:46.199 [ INFO] Download rate    : 1.7 MB/s
2023-07-11 04:42:46.199 [ INFO] Save into        : motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:42:46.232 [ INFO] Done
2023-07-11 04:42:46.476 [ INFO] Asynchronous mode set
2023-07-11 04:42:46.476 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:42:52.332 [ INFO] Requesting file to download (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:42:59.632 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:43:13.124 [ INFO] The product is ready for download
2023-07-11 04:43:13.124 [ INFO] Downloading file (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:43:13.856 [ INFO] File type: application/x-netcdf
2023-07-11 04:43:13.857 [ INFO] File size: 3.3 MB (3260684 B)
2023-07-11 04:43:13.857 [ INFO] Downloading file /home/jovyan/shared/minh-notebooks/motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:43:14.200 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (2.0%)
2023-07-11 04:43:14.373 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (4.0%)
2023-07-11 04:43:14.545 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (6.0%)
2023-07-11 04:43:14.546 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (8.0%)
2023-07-11 04:43:14.718 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (10.0%)
2023-07-11 04:43:14.719 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (12.1%)
2023-07-11 04:43:14.719 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (14.1%)
2023-07-11 04:43:14.719 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (16.1%)
2023-07-11 04:43:14.720 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (18.1%)
2023-07-11 04:43:14.890 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (20.1%)
2023-07-11 04:43:14.891 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (22.1%)
2023-07-11 04:43:14.891 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (24.1%)
2023-07-11 04:43:14.892 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (26.1%)
2023-07-11 04:43:14.893 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (28.1%)
2023-07-11 04:43:14.893 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (30.1%)
2023-07-11 04:43:14.893 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (32.2%)
2023-07-11 04:43:14.895 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (34.2%)
2023-07-11 04:43:14.895 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (36.2%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.062 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (38.2%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.063 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (40.2%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.064 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (42.2%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.064 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (44.2%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.064 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (46.2%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.064 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (48.2%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.065 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (50.2%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.065 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (52.3%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.066 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (54.3%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.066 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (56.3%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.067 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (58.3%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.067 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (60.3%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.067 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (62.3%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.068 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (64.3%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.068 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (66.3%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.069 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (68.3%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.069 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (70.3%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.069 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (72.4%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.069 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (74.4%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.070 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (76.4%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.235 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (78.4%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.236 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (80.4%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.236 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (82.4%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.236 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (84.4%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.236 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (86.4%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.237 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (88.4%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.237 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (90.4%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.237 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (92.5%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.237 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (94.5%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.238 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (96.5%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.239 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (98.5%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.239 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (100.0%)
2023-07-11 04:43:15.239 [ INFO] Processing  time : 0:00:27.384750
2023-07-11 04:43:15.239 [ INFO] Downloading time : 0:00:01.382641
2023-07-11 04:43:15.239 [ INFO] Total time       : 0:00:28.767391
2023-07-11 04:43:15.239 [ INFO] Download rate    : 1.5 MB/s
2023-07-11 04:43:15.239 [ INFO] Save into        : motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:43:15.269 [ INFO] Done
2023-07-11 04:43:15.513 [ INFO] Asynchronous mode set
2023-07-11 04:43:15.513 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:43:22.274 [ INFO] Requesting file to download (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:43:29.643 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:43:47.109 [ INFO] The product is ready for download
2023-07-11 04:43:47.109 [ INFO] Downloading file (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:43:47.846 [ INFO] File type: application/x-netcdf
2023-07-11 04:43:47.846 [ INFO] File size: 3.2 MB (3155704 B)
2023-07-11 04:43:47.847 [ INFO] Downloading file /home/jovyan/shared/minh-notebooks/motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:43:48.190 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (2.1%)
2023-07-11 04:43:48.363 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (4.2%)
2023-07-11 04:43:48.535 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (6.2%)
2023-07-11 04:43:48.536 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (8.3%)
2023-07-11 04:43:48.708 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (10.4%)
2023-07-11 04:43:48.708 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (12.5%)
2023-07-11 04:43:48.708 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (14.5%)
2023-07-11 04:43:48.709 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (16.6%)
2023-07-11 04:43:48.709 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (18.7%)
2023-07-11 04:43:48.880 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (20.8%)
2023-07-11 04:43:48.880 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (22.8%)
2023-07-11 04:43:48.880 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (24.9%)
2023-07-11 04:43:48.881 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (27.0%)
2023-07-11 04:43:48.881 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (29.1%)
2023-07-11 04:43:48.881 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (31.2%)
2023-07-11 04:43:48.881 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (33.2%)
2023-07-11 04:43:48.882 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (35.3%)
2023-07-11 04:43:48.883 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (37.4%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.052 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (39.5%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.052 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (41.5%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.053 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (43.6%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.053 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (45.7%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.053 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (47.8%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.053 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (49.8%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.054 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (51.9%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.054 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (54.0%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.054 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (56.1%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.055 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (58.1%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.055 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (60.2%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.055 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (62.3%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.055 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (64.4%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.056 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (66.5%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.056 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (68.5%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.057 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (70.6%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.057 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (72.7%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.057 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (74.8%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.057 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (76.8%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.225 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (78.9%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.225 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (81.0%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.225 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (83.1%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.226 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (85.1%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.226 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (87.2%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.226 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (89.3%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.226 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (91.4%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.227 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (93.5%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.227 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (95.5%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.227 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (97.6%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.227 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (99.7%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.228 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (100.0%)
2023-07-11 04:43:49.228 [ INFO] Processing  time : 0:00:32.336252
2023-07-11 04:43:49.228 [ INFO] Downloading time : 0:00:01.381585
2023-07-11 04:43:49.228 [ INFO] Total time       : 0:00:33.717837
2023-07-11 04:43:49.228 [ INFO] Download rate    : 1.5 MB/s
2023-07-11 04:43:49.228 [ INFO] Save into        : motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:43:49.283 [ INFO] Done
2023-07-11 04:43:49.521 [ INFO] Asynchronous mode set
2023-07-11 04:43:49.521 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:43:58.915 [ INFO] Requesting file to download (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:44:08.361 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:44:23.488 [ INFO] The product is ready for download
2023-07-11 04:44:23.488 [ INFO] Downloading file (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:44:24.223 [ INFO] File type: application/x-netcdf
2023-07-11 04:44:24.223 [ INFO] File size: 3.3 MB (3260684 B)
2023-07-11 04:44:24.223 [ INFO] Downloading file /home/jovyan/shared/minh-notebooks/motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:44:24.568 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (2.0%)
2023-07-11 04:44:24.740 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (4.0%)
2023-07-11 04:44:24.741 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (6.0%)
2023-07-11 04:44:24.913 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (8.0%)
2023-07-11 04:44:24.913 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (10.0%)
2023-07-11 04:44:24.914 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (12.1%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.084 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (14.1%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.085 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (16.1%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.086 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (18.1%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.086 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (20.1%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.086 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (22.1%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.087 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (24.1%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.087 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (26.1%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.257 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (28.1%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.257 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (30.1%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.258 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (32.2%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.259 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (34.2%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.259 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (36.2%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.260 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (38.2%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.260 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (40.2%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.260 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (42.2%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.260 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (44.2%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.261 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (46.2%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.261 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (48.2%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.261 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (50.2%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.261 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (52.3%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.429 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (54.3%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.429 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (56.3%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.430 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (58.3%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.430 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (60.3%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.430 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (62.3%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.431 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (64.3%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.432 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (66.3%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.432 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (68.3%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.432 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (70.3%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.432 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (72.4%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.433 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (74.4%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.433 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (76.4%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.433 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (78.4%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.433 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (80.4%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.434 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (82.4%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.434 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (84.4%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.434 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (86.4%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.435 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (88.4%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.435 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (90.4%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.435 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (92.5%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.435 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (94.5%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.436 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (96.5%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.436 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (98.5%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.437 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (100.0%)
2023-07-11 04:44:25.437 [ INFO] Processing  time : 0:00:34.702582
2023-07-11 04:44:25.437 [ INFO] Downloading time : 0:00:01.213662
2023-07-11 04:44:25.437 [ INFO] Total time       : 0:00:35.916244
2023-07-11 04:44:25.437 [ INFO] Download rate    : 1.7 MB/s
2023-07-11 04:44:25.437 [ INFO] Save into        : motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:44:25.467 [ INFO] Done
2023-07-11 04:44:25.708 [ INFO] Asynchronous mode set
2023-07-11 04:44:25.709 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:44:33.978 [ INFO] Requesting file to download (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:44:41.900 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:44:56.540 [ INFO] The product is ready for download
2023-07-11 04:44:56.540 [ INFO] Downloading file (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:44:57.296 [ INFO] File type: application/x-netcdf
2023-07-11 04:44:57.297 [ INFO] File size: 3.2 MB (3155704 B)
2023-07-11 04:44:57.297 [ INFO] Downloading file /home/jovyan/shared/minh-notebooks/motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:44:57.640 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (2.1%)
2023-07-11 04:44:57.813 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (4.2%)
2023-07-11 04:44:57.985 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (6.2%)
2023-07-11 04:44:57.986 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (8.3%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.157 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (10.4%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.158 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (12.5%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.158 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (14.5%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.158 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (16.6%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.159 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (18.7%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.330 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (20.8%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.331 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (22.8%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.331 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (24.9%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.331 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (27.0%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.332 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (29.1%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.332 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (31.2%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.332 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (33.2%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.333 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (35.3%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.333 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (37.4%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.333 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (39.5%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.502 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (41.5%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.503 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (43.6%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.503 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (45.7%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.503 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (47.8%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.504 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (49.8%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.504 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (51.9%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.504 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (54.0%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.505 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (56.1%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.505 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (58.1%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.505 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (60.2%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.505 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (62.3%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.506 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (64.4%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.506 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (66.5%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.507 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (68.5%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.507 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (70.6%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.507 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (72.7%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.507 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (74.8%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.508 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (76.8%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.508 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (78.9%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.508 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (81.0%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.675 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (83.1%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.675 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (85.1%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.676 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (87.2%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.676 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (89.3%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.676 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (91.4%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.676 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (93.5%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.677 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (95.5%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.677 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (97.6%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.677 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (99.7%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.678 [ INFO] Progress -   3.2 MB (100.0%)
2023-07-11 04:44:58.678 [ INFO] Processing  time : 0:00:31.590883
2023-07-11 04:44:58.678 [ INFO] Downloading time : 0:00:01.381213
2023-07-11 04:44:58.678 [ INFO] Total time       : 0:00:32.972096
2023-07-11 04:44:58.678 [ INFO] Download rate    : 1.5 MB/s
2023-07-11 04:44:58.678 [ INFO] Save into        : motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:44:58.710 [ INFO] Done
2023-07-11 04:44:58.961 [ INFO] Asynchronous mode set
2023-07-11 04:44:58.961 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:45:04.292 [ INFO] Requesting file to download (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:45:11.513 [ INFO] Authenticating user mphan for service
2023-07-11 04:45:26.798 [ INFO] The product is ready for download
2023-07-11 04:45:26.798 [ INFO] Downloading file (this can take a while)...
2023-07-11 04:45:27.551 [ INFO] File type: application/x-netcdf
2023-07-11 04:45:27.551 [ INFO] File size: 3.3 MB (3260684 B)
2023-07-11 04:45:27.551 [ INFO] Downloading file /home/jovyan/shared/minh-notebooks/motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:45:27.895 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (2.0%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.067 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (4.0%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.069 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (6.0%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.240 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (8.0%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.240 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (10.0%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.241 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (12.1%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.412 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (14.1%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.413 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (16.1%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.413 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (18.1%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.413 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (20.1%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.414 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (22.1%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.414 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (24.1%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.414 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (26.1%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.585 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (28.1%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.585 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (30.1%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.586 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (32.2%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.587 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (34.2%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.587 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (36.2%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.587 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (38.2%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.587 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (40.2%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.588 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (42.2%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.588 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (44.2%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.588 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (46.2%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.588 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (48.2%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.588 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (50.2%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.589 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (52.3%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.589 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (54.3%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.757 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (56.3%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.758 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (58.3%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.758 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (60.3%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.758 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (62.3%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.758 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (64.3%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.759 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (66.3%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.759 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (68.3%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.760 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (70.3%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.760 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (72.4%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.760 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (74.4%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.760 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (76.4%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.761 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (78.4%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.761 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (80.4%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.761 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (82.4%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.761 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (84.4%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.762 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (86.4%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.762 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (88.4%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.762 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (90.4%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.762 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (92.5%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.762 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (94.5%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.763 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (96.5%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.763 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (98.5%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.764 [ INFO] Progress -   3.3 MB (100.0%)
2023-07-11 04:45:28.764 [ INFO] Processing  time : 0:00:28.592514
2023-07-11 04:45:28.764 [ INFO] Downloading time : 0:00:01.212567
2023-07-11 04:45:28.764 [ INFO] Total time       : 0:00:29.805081
2023-07-11 04:45:28.764 [ INFO] Download rate    : 1.7 MB/s
2023-07-11 04:45:28.764 [ INFO] Save into        : motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D/
2023-07-11 04:45:28.818 [ INFO] Done

DISCLAIMER: Downloading time may be extremely slow due to processing time from Motu for each request. We can increase temporal range for each one (6 months or 1 year, for example) but it may exceed the size limit MOTU allows. Feel free to modify the prompt generation as it fits to balance speed and size.


Combine data

ds = xr.open_mfdataset('demonstrated data/motu/cmems_obs-sl_glo_phy-ssh_my_allsat-l4-duacs-0.25deg_P1D//*.nc')
Dimensions:    (time: 731, latitude: 81, longitude: 81)
  * latitude   (latitude) float32 4.875 5.125 5.375 5.625 ... 24.38 24.62 24.88
  * time       (time) datetime64[ns] 2000-01-01 2000-01-02 ... 2001-12-31
  * longitude  (longitude) float32 59.88 60.12 60.38 60.62 ... 79.38 79.62 79.88
Data variables:
    adt        (time, latitude, longitude) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(31, 81, 81), meta=np.ndarray>
    crs        (time) int32 -2147483647 -2147483647 ... -2147483647 -2147483647
    sla        (time, latitude, longitude) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(31, 81, 81), meta=np.ndarray>
Attributes: (12/45)
    Conventions:                                    CF-1.6
    FROM_ORIGINAL_FILE__Metadata_Conventions:       Unidata Dataset Discovery...
    cdm_data_type:                                  Grid
    comment:                                        Sea Surface Height measur...
    contact:                                        servicedesk.cmems@mercato...
    creator_email:                                  servicedesk.cmems@mercato...
    ...                                             ...
    time_coverage_duration:                         P1D
    time_coverage_end:                              2022-08-04T12:00:00Z
    time_coverage_resolution:                       P1D
    time_coverage_start:                            2022-08-03T12:00:00Z
    title:                                          DT merged all satellites ...
    _CoordSysBuilder:                               ucar.nc2.dataset.conv.CF1...

Additional data (clean later)

fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20,8))
motu.isel(time=0, depth=0)['po4'].plot.imshow(ax=axs[0])
motu.isel(time=0, depth=10)['po4'].plot.imshow(ax=axs[1])

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(20,20))
motu.isel(time=0, depth=0)['po4'].plot.imshow(ax=axs[0][0], vmin=0, vmax=0.4)
motu.isel(time=120, depth=0)['po4'].plot.imshow(ax=axs[0][1], vmin=0, vmax=0.4)
motu.isel(time=240, depth=0)['po4'].plot.imshow(ax=axs[1][0], vmin=0, vmax=0.4)
motu.isel(time=360, depth=0)['po4'].plot.imshow(ax=axs[1][1], vmin=0, vmax=0.4)