These sessions are for NOAA staff to gain more familiarity with Jupyter Hubs and working with spatial data, esp big data hosted in the cloud in databases, via code and via geospatial packages in R and Python.
- Provide an inclusive place to learn and practice new skills
- Get practice working in a Jupyter Hub with R and Python
- Learn about and experience working with earth data in the cloud;
- Practice using remote-sensing data in R and Python with code.
- Learn by working together on small projects.
- Give you the skills to be able to join hackweeks focused on big earth data.
For more data science trainings and resource, see: * https://sites.google.com/noaa.gov/nmfs-hq-st-open-science/trainings * https://coastwatch.noaa.gov/cwn/training-courses.html * https://ioos.github.io/ioos_code_lab/content/intro.html
Sign ups
See the 2025 Hackhour page for info.
Contact or questions: Eli Holmes (NOAA) - Type my name in your NOAA email, and my contact will pop up. Note, it uses “Eli” not “Elizabeth”! There are two Elizabeth Holmes’s in NOAA.
See the Quick Start in left nav bar or go to the “JupyterHub Skills” section.
- Can I bring my own content/code to the event and JupyterHub? Absolutely, please do!! You can clone a GitHub repo or just upload files into the hub.
About NMFS Open Science
We provide technical and infrastructure support for any groups within NOAA Fisheries who would like computing support for their workshops or trainings; See our training page (NOAA internal). In September 2024, we launched a JupyterHub with a variety of specialized computing environments tailored to needs in fisheries and ocean modeling. We also support the development of a Docker stack tailored to R and Python workflows. We run regular workshops and trainings in reproducible science. See NMFS Openscapes and NMFS Open Science. If at NOAA see our internal site and the tabs for News and Training.