Working with terra data cubes


Eli Holmes (NOAA Fisheries)

Learning Objectives
  1. How to crop a single data file
  2. How to create a data cube with terra
  3. How to crop a data cube to a box


Once we have a terra SpatRaster, there are many things we can do with it like aggregation, sampling, means and interpolation.


See the 1-earthdatalogin tutorial for set-up if you are running the tutorial locally.

Load Required Packages


Get a vector of urls to our nc files



Get the urls. The results object is a vector of urls pointing to our netCDF files in the cloud. Each netCDF file is circa 670Mb.

short_name <- 'AVHRR_OI-NCEI-L4-GLOB-v2.1'
bbox <- c(xmin=-75.5, ymin=33.5, xmax=-73.5, ymax=35.5) 
tbox <- c("2020-01-20", "2020-02-10")

results <- earthdatalogin::edl_search(
  short_name = short_name,
  version = "2.1",
  temporal = tbox, 
  bounding_box = paste(bbox,collapse=",")
[1] 23

Create a data cube

I will get 10 days of data and crop to a small area.

e <- terra::ext(c(xmin=-75.5, xmax=-73.5,  ymin=33.5, ymax=35.5 ))
ras <- terra::rast(results, vsi=TRUE)
ras <- terra::crop(ras, e)["analysed_sst"]

Plot the first day.


Raster summary

mean, max, var etc of a SpatRaster returns a single SpatRaster.

class       : SpatRaster 
dimensions  : 8, 8, 1  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
resolution  : 0.25, 0.25  (x, y)
extent      : -75.5, -73.5, 33.5, 35.5  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 
source(s)   : memory
name        :     mean 
min value   : 287.9596 
max value   : 297.5391 

Global summary

g <- terra::global(ras, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
analysed_sst    295.4739
analysed_sst.1  295.4770
analysed_sst.2  295.5378
analysed_sst.3  295.7533
analysed_sst.4  296.2651
analysed_sst.5  296.2378
analysed_sst.6  296.2144
analysed_sst.7  296.1822
analysed_sst.8  295.9805
analysed_sst.9  295.8164
analysed_sst.10 295.7742
analysed_sst.11 295.4317
analysed_sst.12 295.0430
analysed_sst.13 294.8886
analysed_sst.14 295.2201
analysed_sst.15 295.4745
analysed_sst.16 295.7053
analysed_sst.17 295.7719
analysed_sst.18 295.7725
analysed_sst.19 295.9198
analysed_sst.20 295.9339
analysed_sst.21 295.4420
analysed_sst.22 295.2062

You can do custom functions.

g <- global(ras, function(i) min(i) / max(i))
data.frame(date = as.Date(time(ras)), g, row.names = NULL)
         date    global
1  2020-01-19 0.9724734
2  2020-01-20 0.9752058
3  2020-01-21 0.9786648
4  2020-01-22 0.9784272
5  2020-01-23 0.9773435
6  2020-01-24 0.9771800
7  2020-01-25 0.9779417
8  2020-01-26 0.9783383
9  2020-01-27 0.9736170
10 2020-01-28 0.9659007
11 2020-01-29 0.9614405
12 2020-01-30 0.9607350
13 2020-01-31 0.9635287
14 2020-02-01 0.9597049
15 2020-02-02 0.9513898
16 2020-02-03 0.9530059
17 2020-02-04 0.9540010
18 2020-02-05 0.9557561
19 2020-02-06 0.9588261
20 2020-02-07 0.9603808
21 2020-02-08 0.9633926
22 2020-02-09 0.9653459
23 2020-02-10 0.9651319

You can get the range.

g <- terra::global(ras, range, na.rm=TRUE)
data.frame(date = as.Date(time(ras)), g, row.names = NULL)
         date     X1     X2
1  2020-01-19 289.34 297.53
2  2020-01-20 290.27 297.65
3  2020-01-21 291.28 297.63
4  2020-01-22 291.63 298.06
5  2020-01-23 292.04 298.81
6  2020-01-24 292.04 298.86
7  2020-01-25 291.72 298.30
8  2020-01-26 291.31 297.76
9  2020-01-27 289.69 297.54
10 2020-01-28 287.51 297.66
11 2020-01-29 286.74 298.24
12 2020-01-30 286.52 298.23
13 2020-01-31 286.38 297.22
14 2020-02-01 284.85 296.81
15 2020-02-02 283.40 297.88
16 2020-02-03 283.91 297.91
17 2020-02-04 284.34 298.05
18 2020-02-05 284.93 298.12
19 2020-02-06 286.20 298.49
20 2020-02-07 286.52 298.34
21 2020-02-08 287.38 298.30
22 2020-02-09 287.48 297.80
23 2020-02-10 287.59 297.98

Monthly means

# Function to convert times to year-month format
year_month <- function(x) {
  format(as.Date(time(x), format="%Y-%m-%d"), "%Y-%m")

# Format time to Year-month for monthly aggregation 
ym <- year_month(ras)
 [1] "2020-01" "2020-01" "2020-01" "2020-01" "2020-01" "2020-01" "2020-01"
 [8] "2020-01" "2020-01" "2020-01" "2020-01" "2020-01" "2020-01" "2020-02"
[15] "2020-02" "2020-02" "2020-02" "2020-02" "2020-02" "2020-02" "2020-02"
[22] "2020-02" "2020-02"
# Compute raster mean grouped by Year-month
monthly_mean_rast <- terra::tapp(ras, ym, fun = mean)

# Compute mean across raster grouped by Year-month
monthly_means <- terra::global(monthly_mean_rast, fun = mean, na.rm=TRUE)
X2020.01 295.7836
X2020.02 295.5335


After creating a data cube with terra and earthdatalogin, we learned how to do some basic spatial and temporal averaging. These computations are more RAM hungry than in Python and we don’t have the easy option of chunking the data like we do with dask and xarray. See the ERDDAP xarray tutorial for an example of chunking to reduce RAM requirements.